"There’s something pathetic and final about this photo of a wheelchair-bound Pope receiving B’Nai’Brith’s highest honor: how can the Church ever recover from such an image?
It was May 30, 2022, Pope Francis received an award from B’Nai’Brith (the most powerful Jewish freemasonry) to thank him for his support of them.
All Francis’s predecessors, from Clement XII onwards, have condemned in advance such allegiance to the Anti-Christ sect. Among many other documents, we can only recommend Leo XIII’s magisterial encyclical Humanum genus (04/20/1884).
All his predecessors? No. In fact, Leo XIII’s encyclical would seem to mark the beginning of a gray area, getting darker and darker as we approach Pope Francis.
Pope Francis, during the audience granted to B’Nai’Brith on May 30, 2022, delivered an address that can be found here. In this address, he recalls the already long history of contacts between B’Nai’Brith and the Vatican.
Incidentally, this wasn’t the first time that Pope Francis himself had met B’Nai’Brith representatives at the Vatican; on June 25, 2015, a similar meeting had taken place, immortalized in a B’Nai’Brith video. Both sides are celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of Paul VI’s “Nostra Aetate” address on October 28, 1965. The text of Pope Francis’ address on this occasion is available here.
On its website, B’Nai’Brith likes to recall that before he was known around the world at Pope Francis, then-Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio hosted B’nai B’rith’s Kristallnacht commemoration in Buenos Aires in 2012.".... [This Continues, but be sure to see the 2nd link below]:
At a separate link - "Bergoglio receives award from the B'nai B'rith
In the photo above, we see the CEO of B'nai B'rith International Daniel S. Mariaschin giving Pope Bergoglio a gold chalice with Jewish inscriptions and symbols. This was a symbolic award to thank Francis for his constant support for this Jewish Masonic organization." [MORE]: