If so what's going to be the economic hit of effectively banning economic interaction in the city?
I wouldn't doubt once the tax revenue losses come in, from people now just avoiding the city entirely, that $9 tax is gonna go away real quick and celebrating libs are gonna be real mad confused on what's going on.
The mom is incredibly controlling and a fraud. She will lie, cheat, steal, anything to maintain control. She also has a habit of using subterfuge and deception to evade any accountability for her actions. All those dark triad traits are there, similar to how jews operate. And just like jews, they aren't very subtle and their manipulative ways can be seen once exposed for what they are doing.
The mom is fueling my wife into a sense of hyper entitlement and in turn, she's become useless in the marriage. My wife operates more as a feminist, than what one would expect from a wife. Chores aren't being done anymore, most common tasks are seen as beneath her, kicking and screaming at the thought of having to do an ounce of work. It's all fueled by the mom championing learned helplessness.
It's very clear the mom is setting up for a divorce, and she's using the entitlement as a way to show I'm not marriage material. What's more sad is my wife is going along with it, stabbing me in the back in the process.