Its double taxation and taxation without representation. and I don't care what their jewish kangaroo courts ruled saying that it isn't. Its Usury. Its how a jew gets their magic money. Our taxes already paid for these roads. The tolls were supposed to have been taken down two years later but low & behold the kosher demons decided to keep it. They have doubled the fees over the last few years. Its a goddamn outrage. Pieces of shit. and I'm not getting on their little payment plan either. They can all get fucked. What're they gonna do? Come here and arrest me? lol
I just sent an email to the governors office calling them all traitors and usury jew trash. Fuckin scum
This is what we want to see...accountability. If someone is breaking the law, they need to be held accountable. The left's mantra is 'no one is above the law'. I want them to prove it!