Keeping the goat fed and alive in 2025 and beyond     (all)
submitted by system to all 22 hours ago (+136/-2)
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Happy new year upgoat. I'm glad to say goodbye to 2024, the worst year of my life. 2025 is going to be a good year. We have the "good" jew in office again. Free speech is cool again and people are fed up with the bullshit being forced down our throats constantly. I guess we'll see what happens. One thing I do know is it will be a pivotal year for Upgoat.

Back in October our hosting provider increased our rate by 3X. Fortunately they offered to grandfather in our old rate but this is temporary and if I make any changes to the account we'll lose it. If/when that happens it will be harder to justify keeping this place going. It's been 4 years and traffic has flatlined. I'm just tired and bored to be honest. I feel like I've accomplished everything I set out to do. It is still cheap enough to shell out, it went from about $400 a year to over $1100, but I am not a rich man. If prices continue to go up I will have to put the goat on the chopping block.

But I know there are more than a few people who care about this place and I don't take that lightly. I care about you more than I care about the website itself. Upgoat is no Voat but it's become a cozy home for a good chunk of people, myself included. So shutting down isn't something I take lightly. But it's an alluring option I won't lie. It is stressful being in this position, having to worry about being doxxed, or fucked with, having to worry about governments and laws. The world is a scary fucking place right now. Being a nobody is appealing. But free speech is something I am passionate about. It's worth being persecuted and even dying for because I wouldn't want to live in a world without it. That's the only thing driving this place. But I feel like I've given it my all and have nothing to show for it after nearly 4 years.

So I'm conflicted. Have been for awhile, even before the price increase which is more than likely just an alignment to reflect our new fucked up economy (thanks Biden). Our host has been great when it comes to uptime, performance and customer service so looking elsewhere for hosting hasn't even crossed my mind.

So something needs to change. But my options are limited. I value my privacy above money and success and that limits my options greatly.

Many have suggested I begin accepting crypto. I am humbled by your generosity. Seriously. But I never understood it well enough to feel comfortable taking it. I didn't just want to sign up for a website and let it handle everything without me having a clue what is going on. So I've been paying attention to the scene for the past couple years and I now feel comfortable enough running my own wallets on own machines without fucking it up. I'm sure you crypto bros are laughing, but I really had no interest in crypto. I'm not a money guy. Taking money from people is not something I take lightly, I'm a horrible sales person. But not having to worry about paying out of pocket to keep this place running will be a big burden off my back. And the idea of reinvesting into the site and growing is appealing. So fuck it. Here you go. Let's keep this party going.

Upgoat vault:

Bitcoin - bc1q4jg4q5hmfh3e3tudmlnhpmvd32csz0p55g2zq3
Monero - 49AnoHTXxVM42qzGjPfoZsRRLAzd5FKXND5CEtq72mvaGzAQCD4NR41ZBHewCpdMBAhMRe88ZLAtSXn1yBZVX7yj5Sagazp


Bitcoin - bc1qm97kvdm3epn0rju4slz5vs74jnexmkuefz9k6e
Monero - 8B9rhjh5F67cZ2LD8Ax5e1iwM2ArD1dQZ7CAixnXshntFBEs3T8sQ3VMiwuwvFTmt21Lhe97f3SnM6GqQSaTk12dJhQtb16

The upgoat vault will be used strictly to pay for the costs of the site. Not having a safety blanket of capital has stunted this place's growth. With it I will have the confidence to start branching out, adding image hosting and other improvements. These accounts will hopefully ensure we are online for years to come.

I also created separate addresses for myself. If you appreciate the time and effort I put into the place you can donate to me directly through the tip addresses.

Having separate addresses will hopefully avoid any confusion and fuckery. The vault is for website costs; hosting, domains, certs and other misc costs. The tip addresses are for me, allowing myself to maybe have a steak or a cheeseburger every once in a while.

DO NOT donate if you can't afford to. Don't go out trying to obtain crypto just to give. Only donate if you already have crypto and can spare a few bits to keep this place going. I don't want anyone to feel obligated.

I am also considering offering services paid for in bitcoin/monero. Username changes, a pinned post for a certain length of time, pick your name color, sponser a feature etc. Let me know what you guys want. Everyone who donates will get to create a custom badge if they choose (pick the image and flair text) or you can remain anonymous. This is still in the air though.

I know bitcoin is still obscure and times are tough. But if you are in a position to then consider keeping this place alive. I will keep this pinned for week or so. Feel free to click the x to hide it. Someone mentioned the idea of having a PO box where money orders could be sent. I will consider this. All info will be in the side bar "Donate" link (which doesn't exist yet).

I value everyone who contributes to the site through discussion, content submission, and voting. That organic engagement cannot be bought. You people are why this place exists at all. So treating everyone equally without bias will continue to be important to me. I also cannot be bought. I value my integrity and your presence here more than any monetary value. So no special favors or fuckery. However if you do donate I would definitely be more willing to listen to your feedback and spend time replying to you. But everyone is always free to message me as well. I reply back most of the time, if not immediately then within a few days.

Now that I am officially accepting donations I feel I need to clean this place up. Homogenize all the pages, clean up the code, QOL features, minor annoyances etc. Feel free to post your feedback here. I am planning on spending a good chunk of time in the code this year. Even if this is all a failure I want to at least leave behind an open source repo.

Thanks for listening to my spiel. I know it's long but these words have been floating around in my head for a while. 2025 will be the year we grow or die. I'm okay with either. Love you all regardless.


We have accumulated .2719 monero and 0.00050836 bitcoin. That's roughly 2 months of hosting right there. Thank you to everyone who donated. Contact me for a custom badge if you'd like.

Edit 2:

Added donate button in the side bar
A Canadian man with an intact pair of testicles, never thought I'd see the day      (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by big_fat_dangus to based_department 6 hours ago (+53/-2)
18 comments last comment...
Donald Trump the blackest president ever      (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by HomerSampson to whatever 6 hours ago (+37/-1)
5 comments last comment...
All White Western countries should implement rolling "black-outs", where each area takes turns to throw all the blacks out. The result will be improved energy efficiency on an unimaginable scale, just think of all the reduced infrastructure burden.     (funny)
submitted by oppressed to funny 5 hours ago (+32/-0)
6 comments last comment...
All White Western countries should implement rolling "black-outs", where each area takes turns to throw all the blacks out.
The result will be improved energy efficiency on an unimaginable scale, just think of all the reduced infrastructure burden.
faces of 'Germans' convicted of raping white girls     (ibb.co)
submitted by boekanier to FeralBantuInvaders 5 hours ago (+28/-0)
8 comments last comment...

source: Junge Freiheit
How to Voat     (i.imgflip.com)
submitted by puremadness to Memes 3 hours ago (+19/-0)
3 comments last comment...
Reatrded jeets get run over on a highway filming a TikTok.      (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by ArbeitMachtFrei to Shitjeets 49 minutes ago (+11/-0)
3 comments last comment...
All posts about Indians are shit posts     (whatever)
submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to whatever 45 minutes ago (+12/-2)
5 comments last comment...
Impregnated Goblin     (i.imgur.com)
submitted by AugustineOfHippo2 to Memes 4 hours ago (+19/-0)
7 comments last comment...
Tank battle captured by drone     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by shitface9000 to War 2 hours ago (+11/-0)
4 comments last comment...
Aqueduct      (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by TheOriginal1Icemonkey to whatever 4 hours ago (+17/-1)
4 comments last comment...
blacks are twice as likely to commit a crime as to be the victim of one     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by oppressed to RaceStats 5 hours ago (+18/-0)
5 comments last comment...

Even according to the victims, who as you know we must always listen to, blacks are twice as likely to commit a crime as to be the victim of one. They commit about half their crime against other races while most other races commit 80%+ of their crime against members of the same race.
New Orleans Prosecutor Kills Himself Just Days After Terror Attack Hits the City     (www.thegatewaypundit.com)
submitted by MasterSuppressionTechnique to news 32 minutes ago (+7/-0)
1 comments last comment...
Here is my recipe for Oatmeal cookies.     (Baking)
submitted by Master_Foo to Baking 2 hours ago (+10/-1)
6 comments last comment...
Step 1. Buy oats.
Step 2, Feed to pig.
Step 3. Eat bacon.

Heil Odin! o/
Jeet explains the problem with jeets     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by big_fat_dangus to Shitjeets 9 hours ago (+33/-0)
15 comments last comment...
Aubrey Plaza's husband commits suicide ... somehow this video may be relevant     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by shitface9000 to Suicide 17 minutes ago (+6/-0)
2 comments last comment...
FBI Releases Video of NOLA Terrorist Wearing Meta Glasses, Planting IED-Filled Coolers Across the French Quarter     (www.thegatewaypundit.com)
submitted by MasterSuppressionTechnique to Intelligence 34 minutes ago (+6/-0)
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Holy Irony! Israelis Wailing at the Roman Fort     (radbodslament.substack.com)
submitted by carnold03 to History 6 hours ago (+16/-0)
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We have two major problems here. First, Roman and Christian literary sources agree with Jesus that not one stone of the Temple was standing on another. How can we reconcile this with the fact that the walls of the alleged Temple Mount still have more than 10,000 stones standing upon another? Secondly, Josephus, an eyewitness, says that that the only major building that the Romans spared in 66-70 was their own imperial headquarter, the Roman fort called Fort Antonia, built by Herod the Great and named after his patron Mark Anthony. Where is this fort? Archaeologists have been digging for it in vain, and can’t even agree where it was located. Here is what Israeli archaeologist Shlomit Weksler-Bdolah has to say:

Surprisingly, despite the long duration of military presence in Jerusalem, … no archaeological remains have been attributed with certainty to the military camp and its site has not yet been identified. … One cannot underestimate the difficulty caused by the absence of irrefutable evidence of the Roman army camp in Jerusalem. … At this stage, there is no acceptable solution to the problem of the “lack of remains”.

Fort Antonia housed a legion, that would number at least 5000 men and about 5000 support personnel. Josephus tells us it was like a city in size, dominating the Jewish city. It was so large that troops could perform military maneuvers within the enclosure, in mock war training exercises. We know that Fort Antonia was not destroyed in 70 because it continued to house the Roman Legion X Fretensis until 289 AD, when the Legion was transferred to Ailat on the Red Sea.

So while the sources tell us that the Temple was demolished down to the bedrock and the Roman fort remained in use for 200 years, we are nevertheless asked to believe that the opposite happened: the huge fortified Roman fort disappeared entirely, while the Temple compound is still perfectly recognizable, with its four walls almost intact.

By some additional miracle, that alleged Temple compound, the Haram esh-Sharif on which now stands the Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aqsa Mosque, fits the standard design and size of the Roman forts scattered throughout the empire, and built after the pattern of the Praetorian Camp in the northeastern part of Rome.

There is only one way to make sense of this absurd situation: the Roman fort has been mistaken for the Temple Mount. As Professor George W. Buchanan put it in a 2011 article for the Washington Report for Middle East Affairs: “While it has not been widely published, it assuredly has been known for more than 40 years that the 45-acre, well-fortified place that has been mistakenly called the ‘Temple Mount’ was really the Roman fortress — the Antonia — that Herod built.”
The Fog (1980)     (old.bitchute.com)
submitted by shitface9000 to movies 3 hours ago (+9/-0)
This one made me smile. I love dogs.     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by ProudRebel to funny 8 hours ago (+23/-0)
3 comments last comment...
Road raging shitskin invader nearly murders young mother of two over fender bender in front of her children. $2500 bail.      (www.thegatewaypundit.com)
submitted by WolvenWargod to Niggers 6 hours ago (+14/-0)
12 comments last comment...
Biden To Approve Massive $8BN Weapons Sale To Israel Before Leaving Office     (archive.is)
submitted by MasterSuppressionTechnique to Israel 17 minutes ago (+4/-0)
Dog     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Wolfspider to funny 2 hours ago (+7/-1)
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Sunday Matinee [14:00 EST]     (MoviesWithGoats)
submitted by SundayMatinee to MoviesWithGoats 4 hours ago (+8/-0)
Today's Shows:

The owner and sculptor of a wax museum is betrayed by his business partner who burns the museum with him in it to collect the insurance money in "House of Wax"; then a special effects artist is disfigured during a party and falls into seclusion, opening his own wax museum to extract revenge on those who mocked him in "Nightmare in Wax".

Coming Soon:

After a trip to Cuba, a diamond smuggler realizes the police are onto her, and mails the gems to her husband so she can shake her tail, but after doing so she suddenly feels ill as it quickly becomes apparent she is spreading smallpox around the city in "The Killer that Stalked New York"; then, after a brawl between dock workers leaves a man dead, the mortician discovers the dead man was infection with bubonic plague, spurring the police to identify and quarantine those involved in the brawl in order to prevent an outbreak in "Panic in the Streets".

Channel Link For The Lazy: https://cytu.be/r/MovieGoats

If you'd like to receive reminders about the Sunday Matinee, please leave a response to this post.















Bill Gates wants to release genetically modified mosquitoes to fight dengue fever     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by dulcima to Australia 12 hours ago (+31/-0)
20 comments last comment...
Which religion cares the most about homelessness      (www.reddit.com)
submitted by anon to AnonTalk 1 hour ago (+4/-0)
6 comments last comment...