Never apologize for your ancestors actions. There's always reasons behind their actions that the jew will try to hide     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by HeyJames to whatever 2 hours ago (+23/-0)
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People are waking up....     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by fritz_maurentod to pics 5 hours ago (+21/-0)
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The "Great Replacement" is just a harmful right-wing conspiracy theory!     (pomf2.lain.la)
submitted by boekanier to whatever 9 hours ago (+38/-1)
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in one pic     (pomf2.lain.la)
submitted by boekanier to whatever 8 hours ago (+33/-1)
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My genetic pattern has successfully benn transferred to another generation!     (whatever)
submitted by PenisEnvy to whatever 11 hours ago (+44/-1)
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My first grandchild has been born today. A son to my son. Never thought I would be around to see it but here I am. A new life long challenge to be in his life and help guide as I did when asked like it was with his father as I raised him. I only hope to make my father who is in Valhalla guide me in guiding him.
While we were all busy yelling about israel, britain, and china, I just want to ask: Whats up with canada?     (whatever)
submitted by prototype to whatever 4 hours ago (+10/-0)
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Pasternak made Kanye a 'superstar'. Pasternak, besides being a tribe member, was also a military intelligence propagandist. Which military did he work for?

The canadian military.

The leader of canada looks a lot like who? The son of a cuban communist.

A lot of hollywood stars are hebrews with...canadian backgrounds, citizenship.

Epstein owned estates in canada, one of which he abused girls at.

Canada was a carve out for french and british interests.

ghislaine maxwell was a british socialite who also had interests in canada, and had french, UK, and canadian citizenship.

Elon musk? Canadian mother. Obtained canadian citizenship at 18.

Bill gates? No canadian citizenship, but he is the single largest shareholder of the canadian national railway.

"NAFTA 2.0", or the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement was pushed through with support and work by Stephen A. Schwarzman, not a canadadian, but with heavy influence from Justin Trudeau.

A lot of the covid terrormongering started in canada before it did in america.

Sweet Baby Inc, responsible for culture-jamming on software and games, was founded in montreal canada, and exists to push DEI..in america.

Whats up with canada?

For a nation so underpopulated and frozen, they don't get the same kind of mention that their geographically comparable counterpart, russia, does.

Almost like they don't want to be mentioned.

I bet if we keep digging we find even more people in suspect positions with connections to canada.

Also, before I forget, add this one too:

Justin Trudeau. Not a canadian, but he is their prime minister.

OM-SHAKA-LAKA. praise kek.

addendum: the wharton school is another fun locus-of-weirdness to dig into some time.
virtual agent     (pomf2.lain.la)
submitted by boekanier to whatever 9 hours ago (+24/-1)
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Race traitor gets called out by some chud      (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by GreatSatan to StreetShitters 14 hours ago (+55/-0)
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submitted by Zyklonbeekeeper to HDLunited 2 hours ago (+6/-0)
My apologies for the poor quality copy/paste as there are some introductory details that failed to import, other than that the context of the article is as it was when published.

People are fed up...when the bum-fuck hillbilly towns of N. Ontario start to rebel then you know the hammer is coming down...or did the jews do this as a "false flag" ruse? Regardless, the fags and antifags have been protesting for the last week at this street corner.

It's fucking demented that this degenerate faggotry gets the attention that it doesn't deserve. This faggot kike disease belongs to the ✡️ and is nothing but another tactic in their strategy to destroy what is left of the 1st world family unit.

And to think that my tax dollars are being used to paint fag flags on crosswalks...I FUCKING HATE IT AND THOSE BEHIND IT.

Police investigating vandalism to Pride crosswalk after three days of protests
Red paint was sprayed on the Pride crosswalk at some point on Tuesday
Kenneth Armstrong Kenneth Armstrong
about 10 hours ago
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Sault Police at the scene of the Pride crosswalk on Spring Street at Bay Street. The damage comes after three days of protests against Sault Pride by a local group.
Spraypain has been applied to parts of the Pride crosswalk on Spring Street at Bay Street. The damage comes after three days of protests against Sault Pride by a local group.
Drag queen Big Barbi Blitz dances at the Pride crosswalk on Monday, across the street from a group protesting Sault Pride events. The crosswalk was vandalized the following day with red spray paint.
3 / 3 Drag queen Big Barbi Blitz dances at the Pride crosswalk on Monday, across the street from a group protesting Sault Pride events. The crosswalk was vandalized the following day with red spray paint.Kenneth Armstrong/SooToday
Listen to this article
9:45 p.m. update

Mayor Matthew Shoemaker posted the following statement to his Facebook page tonight in response to the original SooToday story:

"The leadership of The City of Sault Ste. Marie stands with the LGBTQI+ community and against hatred and division," said Shoemaker. "Every resident has a right to feel safe and we’ll ensure this is fixed as soon as possible."///
They certainly weren't there for free soap!     (x.com)
submitted by hylo to StreetShitters 8 hours ago (+16/-0)
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The real presidential debate     (img-9gag-fun.9cache.com)
submitted by 2Drunk to videos 10 hours ago (+19/-0)
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Daily Verse and Comment for Jeremiah 15:20-21     (www.theberean.org)
submitted by doginventer to religion 6 hours ago (+10/-1)
It’s Hard For a Hoe “IN DEEZ STREETS.”     (youtube.com)
submitted by TheBigGuyFromQueens to USPolitics 50 minutes ago (+3/-0)
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Shut up and take my money     (www.coolthings.com)
submitted by gardella to Guns 11 hours ago (+21/-2)
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.     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Nein to whatever 4 hours ago (+6/-0)
Went up to the deli counter at my local grocer yesterday for a few things and saw a troon.     (TransgenderAgenda)
submitted by TheOriginal1Icemonkey to TransgenderAgenda 9 hours ago (+14/-0)
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Mexican dude who helped me was obviously beside himself having to work next to “Bree”, an obvious bitch titled disgusting fat body soy fag wearing girl glasses, it's hair up in a girl bun, with girlie earrings and a male sounding voice.
Does management purposely hire these faggots or did “Bree” apply as “Brian” and then show up with eye shadow on?
Fucking gross.
Victory for Le Pen’s party will change nothing in France     (www.rt.com)
submitted by boekanier to politics 4 hours ago (+5/-0)
observing zipper tits in their natural habitat     (whatever)
submitted by stillmostlyfriendly to whatever 10 hours ago (+14/-0)
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Maybe this is normal for you folks, but I live in a fairly conservative part of the US so this was a first:

Went to the beach this week with the family. Shortly after we arrived, I saw two fat woman 'frolicking' in the shallow waters. I assumed they were women because of feminine body movements, despite their ample obesity.

From the backside, I could see they was were wearing tight bikini bottoms/shorts ... but no tops. I said to myself: "Odd, these chicks are topless. WTF." I get closer and, when they turn around, I see that they have beards and zipper tits.

I almost died laughing. Despite the beards, arm pit hair, and the zipper tits, they were clearly women. The way the carried their fat and the way they moved. But, they were clearly trying so-very-hard to be men.

Had a good laugh and was able to educate my children on what the term zipper tits means. Good times with the family.

Tima git paid, bitches!     (www.youtube.com)
submitted by Master_Foo to Niggers 46 minutes ago (+2/-0)
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There are less than 48 hours before the UK General Election and we just found out that front runner Labour leader is Jewish     (whatever)
submitted by WanderingToast to whatever 14 hours ago (+29/-0)
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Given the fact that the labour party has been heavily courting the Muslim vote, I'm not surprised that they decided to keep this hidden.

If you have the ability - vote reform, though if you're reading this here...I doubt you need that told to you
Dangus formulates an OF business plan     (youtube.com)
submitted by HeyJames to NutziHiveKickers 56 minutes ago (+2/-0)
the trick     (pomf2.lain.la)
submitted by boekanier to whatever 8 hours ago (+10/-0)
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IDEA: Create a neural network to detect if someone is jewish.     (www.nature.com)
submitted by JewDetector to whatever 1 hour ago (+3/-1)
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The link is to a paper about using neural networks to detect someone's political affiliation just from normal photographs.

Someone should do this to detect if someone is Jewish.

It would take away the power of jews to hide their jewishness. No more "hello, fellow white people".

The first/main step would just be to collect a dataset of photos of people who are jewish and non-jewish. You couldn't host it on github, but you could self-host it with Gitea.
Before the crucifix this is supposedly a common christian symbol. I think I heard about this once before in catholic school. Let's bring it back!     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by canbot to whatever 12 hours ago (+22/-3)
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The US will pay Moderna $176 million to develop an mRNA pandemic flu vaccine     (apnews.com)
submitted by Sal_180 to news 6 hours ago (+6/-0)
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