I'm moving to mexico     (pomf2.lain.la)
submitted by ProudRebel to whatever 3 hours ago (+12/-0)
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Ohio Restaurant Unveils New Pumpkin Spice Cat     (babylonbee.com)
submitted by Clubberlang to NotSatire 1 hour ago (+7/-0)
Irish fighting oppression     (twitter.com)
submitted by Cantaloupe to whatever 8 hours ago (+20/-0)
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App to easily run local llms on your phone     (old.reddit.com)
submitted by Niggly_Puff to AI 2 hours ago (+5/-0)
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Disconnect from the jew and run local AI on your phone. Tested with my 2 year old android phone 4gb of ram. Nice simple app.
[NSFL] Conspirologist makes his favorite dish     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by mikenigger to ShitpostLitterBox 2 hours ago (+8/-2)
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sounds familiar     (pomf2.lain.la)
submitted by boekanier to whatever 9 hours ago (+19/-1)
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not bad     (pomf2.lain.la)
submitted by boekanier to whatever 9 hours ago (+18/-1)
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does not exist     (pomf2.lain.la)
submitted by boekanier to whatever 9 hours ago (+15/-0)
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A rant called "Shit that I usually self-censor: On retards and talk of revolt.", Unfiltered, and uneditted.     (whatever)
submitted by prototype to whatever 7 hours ago (+10/-0)
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I know some might speak of "normies" going along to get along. Calling everything ZOG (like half the public even knows what the fuck that means), but I'm here to explain something.

Theres this sentiment from people who think they're edgy, talking about "plebes", and if "we all just rose up.."

Recently I encountered a comment, roughly along those same lines, paraphrased "I know! We can just attach ZOG to it and then everything will be fine in magical fairy land, where if we break the law nothing will happen! And if anyone disagrees they're a normie and a sheeple!"

And for those who subscribe to this sentiment, I want to ask one simple question:
How long have you been a faggot?

yes we all know the government is completely fucking balls-to-the-wall out of all control, completely and utterly shitfucked
into absolute corruption, everywhere you fucking look. That theres absolutely zero fucking accountability. Not from the DNC. Not from the GOP, and all all the compromised faggots owned by foreign intelligence agencies or even our own intelligence agencies. No one is doing anything for us, or representing us at all, that is not something that won't be rolled back later, covered up, or undone, like it has been every single time previously.

I get that, I get the outrage, the feeling "something must be done, anything", the sheer vindictiveness of losing a home, a business, being locked down, being threatened by half the public with rape/murder/arson for four+ years, without a single god damn consequence. I feel the anger as intensely as you do. Whole country is wound tighter than a mechanical watch, at an incendiary flashpoint because of all the uneven-handedness. People want red hot justice. They feel trampled on. More than ignored, they feel like they've been shouted down and threatened into compliance without an ounce of retribution or recompense. They feel like they've been stolen from. They feel like theres no recourse any more, that nothing is ever gonna get fixed, that it only gets worse from here. I could spend an hour telling you about the shit they've done to us, americans, why they all deserve everything thats coming to them if anything were coming to them, and in a just world it would be. it would be.

But we're not living in a just world, and nothing is coming to 'them', the congressmen and senators, and wallstreet executives, and media executives, and hate-fueled neurotic journalists, and megalomanical FBI and other agencies, and sundry other lunatics who drove this country straight off a fucking cliff, these fucking scumbags, these cockroaches, these fucking insects, these inhuman parasites.

Unfortunately, I am here, to tell you they are probably gonna get away with it, all of it, and that this is just one more thing you're gonna have to swallow and accept on your journey, the same journey all of us are gonna have to make, in coming to terms with the fact that america is gone, america is done, and america is not going to be allowed to come back.

I am not here to tell you that everythings gonna be okay, because it isn't.

It's okay to be upset. It's okay to be mad.

But I'm here to talk to those who say "this country abandoned me, so why shouldn't I just abandon the law? Refuse to pay taxes? Refuse to cooperate at all?"

And so the story begins.
Lets say you're a hardcore motherfucker. Basically rambo. Lets say you ignore licensing for your business, or maybe your taxes. And the cops come to shut you down and give you a court appearance. But you're such a shit-hot die-hard-with-a-vengeance type motherfucker, you don't show to court. "let em come!" you yell at the clouds. A month later the city officials show up with police escorts. But see, you're not having none of it.
So you've setup some rube-golderberg esque IRA minefield because, fuck it, you've finally had enough of ZOG and its overreaching bullshit and now you're going to jail anyway!

One cop immediately loses two balls, a chin, an elbow. A city social worker rapidly becomes red paste. You yell TALLY HO as you fire your antique cannon from the roof of your atilus gym franchise location you once owned. "AFFIX BAYONETS!" which you do.
At the end of the day because one person died (social workers are arguably not even human so we won't count them), you are now a hunted man.

And because that one person happened to be one of orwell's SuperMan Ultrahuman+, a fucking cop, "someones whose death matters (tm)", and is defacto protected from criminals (unlike the rest of society which they drag their god damn feet for), now you've really fucked up. If he'd been a tax collector on the weekend, maybe they woulda waited till monday to come pick you up, but you killed a cop, now you're F.U.C.K fuckity-fucked my friend. A little oopsie-woopsie. A little fucksie-wucksie. And the entire nest of thoughtless automatons, happily letting murderers and rapists and looters and arsonists and cartel criminals, and chainsaw maniacs from san fran, and kid fucking politicians, and intelligence agencies moonlighting as plane bombers--the same braindead army of pensioned modern day dickless knights-in-service of king george's corpse, are all out for absolute blood, like you lit a wasp nest on fucking fire.

So while you're hiding out in your fallback position somewhere in the woods, or if you're not a total fucking retard, in the most abandoned segment of the detroit projects that has ever existed, the kill squads are now gearing up with cops out to skullfuck you, your corpse, and when they're done, burn down the building you were hiding in, because that place is now hated too simply by proximity, and then feed your bullet ridden carcass to their "loyal and protective K9 OFFICERS serving in Muh-Dangerbus-Lina-Dooty!" while they use their dogs to hunt you down like a betty crocker fucking christmas turkey, or a jihadist hiding in a latrine rathole in the middle of fucking afghanistan. Nevermind they had no fucking problem not arresting a single motherfucker in charge of leaving our guys to die in that utter shithole, nope, can't be arresting no criminals if not ordered to. Just gotta suck it up. But lets not get distracted by the false virtues of false enthusiasm for pseudo-patriotic exclamations of "fighting terrorism and stopping crime" while theres time yet to disabuse you of your simple-minded soft-serve bullshit about "fighting the man."

Very quickly the FBI "who couldn't catch a j6 pipebomber", along with the NSA, and sixteen other agencies, locate you far faster than anyone, including you, coulda ever imagined, considering how slow they were to deport illegal squatamalans murdering, raping, and looting this country Like a swarm of flies. Or better yet, how little they could do about knife-happy stabby-stabby squatters, open air drug markets, and the rampant crime waves, until suddenly the order came down the pipe to clean things up for Xi. Then it was all "rah-rah, we're the police! We serve the community! We enforce the law", yeah only on the second tuesday of next week, when blm hasn't been authorized to be out rioting and murdering and raping while you cocksuckers stand by like the fucking subhuman parasites that you are following orders to stand down, and arrest and terrorize anyone not wearing a mask or anyone going to work during lockdown while america burned.

But lets get back to the story ya little shits, so grandpa can explain to you the reality of living in a murderous pile of shit dictatorship.

So then 24-48 hours later, you see through your drone camera, like a black swarm of hungry ants, an approaching wave of mraps, and men in armor, converging from all directions, along with helicopters on your little safehouse. I sure hope it has hard cover, unlike the woods the red dawn retards were programmed to run to when things go south. You did select a hide out with escape tunnels and hard cover right?

But of course you didn't. So now your little concrete shitbox, or woodland excursion has turned into a fucking tomb as swat moves in. And every one of these roided-up tattoo'd pseudo-gang cocksuckers, neck deep in cartel heroin money, are safety-cameras off, kill-mode on after 24 hours of riding around diesel-therapy-like meditating with their one remaining braincell solely about how badly they want to murder-fuck you to death harder than their coworker next to them. And half these guys are psychopaths with IQs of 90-110, just enough to do what they're told, and just low enough to believe they're justified in the holy crusade they're about to rain down on your ass.

But once again, clever as you are, you've rigged up more jigsaw traps for darwin-award participants in uniform, eager like murder hornets to get you for the one death of some fucko cop they don't even know.

Four of them immediately die when an mrap rolls over an improvised landmine. Five more die to the three jerry rigged turrets you built out of a shitty full auto glock and a movement tracking camera. Two makeshift kamikaze drones take out a errant cnn reporter with a hooked nose that would make rumplestiltskin fucking jealous, and accidentally wound the mayors corgi, the mayor of color who promptly is NOW upset about crime in his city and ready to do something, versus the 200+ murders, and 1500+ rapes and armed robberies that have happened in his city so far this year which he was happy to let his DA keep sliding on. Immediately fifty buck niggers converge from the local gangs, the same ones that got the mayor elected, followed by another 200 on the way. its tense as the weasel pensioner brigade of halfwit mercenaries realize the low-rider crackhead halfrican heroin brigade has arrived to the commotion, fueled by skittles and stolen gasoline.

Someone pops off at the mouth, and then gun fire. Naturally you're blamed on national news, you and you alone for all of it, when you clearly left rigged loud speakers telling the tard-army not to keep stepping over red lines because they were walking through an actual real life minefield and you "didn't want to make it any worse!".

This falls on deaf ears, as grabbler executives in dozens of hollowed out glorified "journalist" outfits, little more than intelligence cutouts, start spontaneously foaming at the mouth, with the exact same scripts, like some sort of weird hive-mind animatronic slug that horribly screams in yiddish as it melts from all the salt. Suddenly a horde of shitheads all over youtube, "alt" news sites, and social media, come in, with accounts that all use deepfaked avatars, with no posting history, claiming to be cops, veterans, christians, all eager to encourage the crowd to one-up each other in the horrible ways you should die or be tortured. The mob is now hungry for blood. And off in some distant trailer on a military base, serious men in problem glasses, "storied" men, self important men, discuss the "narrative surrounding this 'situation'" about what to do with one wannabe-rambo holed up in some shithole of a bunker in bumfucked nowhere, while congress critters convene Very-Important-Meetings about the "rash of terrorism and violence in this nation and what to do about it", like the reality just so happened to set in for them at-this-very-moment, and not after all the people callously murdered, tortured, raped, robbed, burned alive by antifa, blm, sundry cops and fbi agents and informants given free passes to do these things, or by terrorists and cartel members allowed to flood over our borders. No, it was jihadi-john and his one moment of clarity in this utter semi-oligarchical shithole of a dictatorship, that was the 'straw that broke the camels back.' Now is Their-Golden-Moment-To-Shine, to care-about-"our cops", to protect Law-And-Order...to fundraise!

Now thousands of retards in hunting vests, armed with their best, are hunting you down for sport, needing that reward money for their lotto tickets and meth habits, eager to find you like they did that one escaped illegal or that j-sixer who ran into the woods.

And so it goes. You pull out your bazooka, and your minigun and clear the entire crowd, or maybe you just wait for the black gangbangers, completely uncontrolled, and completely responsible for being the singular excuse used to day to raise taxes to extortion levels while disarming americans--until the black gangbangers and the cops all kill each other.

Finally, the coast is clear and you exit your fort.

As you do you hear the rumble of national guard troops. All of them have heard the news "A filthy antisemite racist terrorist has murdered 500 people in detroit or some other vibrant and diverse city! You fought along kikes and blacks, and tax collectors, and police, well military police, but still brothers in blue! We have to defend the american way against this horrible terrorist!"

As the national guard caravan arrives, a single detachment, along with every state police vehicle, every swat team, and half the FBI, along with the CIA, DHS, and a dozen other agencies from across the country, you realize.

You shoulda paid your taxes.

You choose to defy the law you better be prepared to

1. go away for a long fucking time for being white/straight/christian/conservative and openly defying the law

2. die when you fight back like an ill-prepared retard.

For 1/3rd of those people, civilians, they effectively had no choice at all, because they had no representation in congress or the senate.

And none of us have, not really, for a long time.

And if you got something to say that might get you locked up for being a "dangerous rightwing extremist" or any other buzzword, shut your mouth and let it build up inside you. Hold it in. Endure. Let it burn, and let it cook, really marinate in that anger.

And then, let your silence, and not the speech you were denied, be what terrifies the state.
Let your silence be what keeps them up at night.

That you advocate for peace, when they know any reasonable person would be calling for their trials and executions for what they've done to all of us. Because we aren't just the majority, we are the silent majority.

And while you're at it, remember to pay your taxes and business licenses.

And don't forget to have a nice day.

Because silence is golden.

Just for the bonus points: Shitty 'extremist-looking' memes -

The New Dystopia will deliver on all promises     (predictions)
submitted by puremadness to predictions 1 hour ago (+5/-2)
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Humans have always lived in dystopian societies.
but there was always a limit, even in physical slavery.

A slavemaster could not watch his slaves every move, he cannot watch them while he sleeps.
A prison guard cannot tend his flock past his own personal observational powers either.
There were limits. Loopholes too. Humanity could find ways. There were ways to cope and survive.

This new tech dystopia and I'm barely even talking about standard computers, I mean the gear and manufactured weaponry, it is going to be more brutal and horrible than anything humanity has ever done. I will tell you why. There are no limits anymore. They have been technologically overcome by our owners. Soon, they wont have to watch us, they will just get updated by the thing that does and it will do it perfectly, always and permanently. I'm not really on about Ai, although it is a factor of the argument, it is not the primary threat. The combat ready tech is... ready and will be deployed against the general population, in my humble opinion.

We(ordinary folks) will be absolutely unprepared. There will not be a slow ramp up, it will be sudden and undisputed by all but the recently missing. There will be no developing of counter-force, the control will be tighter than ever thought possible and the number of living humans kept low. Devices used for Security, It wont be humanoids, it will be inpersonal drones and installed permanent devices that give commands and punish disobedience. The slavemaster wont even have to rise from his rocking chair.

It will be complete. Our grandchildren will not even know what we lost.

Infinite pussy cheat code     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Niggly_Puff to whatever 15 hours ago (+37/-2)
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Has the EU suddenly realized how much it has screwed itself over?     (www.rt.com)
submitted by boekanier to Eurovasion 10 hours ago (+15/-1)
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A Heart Warming yiddish Story Filled With Demoralization And Mental Illness      (archive.md)
submitted by Clubberlang to ClownWorld 54 minutes ago (+2/-0)
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I had no idea the municipal cops were using this kind of technology so freely. Like Judge Dread or some other cybernetic dystopia thingie     (www.youtube.com)
submitted by TheBigGuyFromQueens to Crime 6 hours ago (+6/-0)
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Timothy Lovecraft     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Trope to pics 13 hours ago (+20/-0)
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Haven't drank alcohol in a week.      (whatever)
submitted by Not_a_redfugee to whatever 18 hours ago (+44/-0)
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I just got tired of it. I'd go through a 12 pack and a $10 bottle of vodka like every 3 days. Shit's expensive.
Plus I got tired of the embarrassment of when I would get black out drunk every now and then then my woman would tell me of my foolery the next day.
So I just quit. Been drinking heavily since I broke my femur on my dirt bike in March this year. Went back to work at my job this last Monday and haven't drank since.
Feels good.
I have to admit, I drank one beer last night while watching movies with my girl. I wish I didn't. Woke up this morning almost feeling hungover from just that, after a week of no alcohol.
I'm just plaim tired of it. Tired of spending the money, tired of feeling like I need to drink when Im playing games on my pc, tired of making a "beer run."

You know what's good as fuck?
IBC Root Beer and Cream Soda. IBC makes the best root beer and cream soda. I buy the 4 packs that come in glass bottles.
I enjoy a Big Red in a glass bottle every now and then too. Big Red is so underrated.
Yeah, yeah I know. Sugary drinks.
Still, it's better than beer, and I dont drink THAT much of it.
Ive also been drinking a shit ton of cranberry juice.
I lost my shit on a customer today     (whatever)
submitted by TheOriginal1Icemonkey to whatever 12 hours ago (+18/-2)
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It was bound to happen sooner or later.
This guy, who is a regular, comes in today with the same issues as always. He proceeds to tell me how what he did last week worked, so I suggest he do that same thing again. Then he starts questioning the value of the product, which he got from us, that worked. I repeat to go home and do what worked last week. He then starts coming off with ‘what if’s’ and ‘maybe this’ and other retarded stuff. He apparently wanted to argue. He’s always been difficult, not a dick, but difficult.

I said, “you know, you don’t have to shop here”. To which he said, “wow”. I said, “in fact, leave, get the fuck outa here, beat it, beat it”
I walked away from the counter. He looked at my wife and she said, “dude, just go”.

You guys will like this, he’s a local church pastor!
I can't stay away from the bottle     (whatever)
submitted by Trumpman1488 to whatever 10 hours ago (+13/-3)
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So i just woke up a few hours ago from a drinking binge i had all night and early this morning. I had puke all over myself and shit in my britches, and my head feels like its full of lead! I never told any of yall im an alcoholic because the trolls would use that against me but this is a plea for help! I think i almost died but from the grace of God Almighty I live to serve him and President Donald J. Trump once again! LOL! I think i thought I was just too manly to get any help because im not a pussy coward like most of you here. I must have downed 24 cans of coors lite and almost a whole bottle of Jack. Lord knows I can drink like no other man, hell, I could out drink even that drunk deadbeat graydragon on a Tuesday morning! Heh. But anyways could anyone recommend a good light beer i should try?
Does anybody else think that we should not have to waste any of our precious time on this Earth trying to stop Jews from killing people and making everybody miserable?     (AskUpgoat)
submitted by Crackinjokes to AskUpgoat 12 hours ago (+13/-0)
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This election is the end of basic democracy     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Conspirologist to TellUpgoat 3 hours ago (+2/-1)
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The Dems are not hiding anymore that elections are bullshit. They skipped primaries and just appointed Kamala without any involvement from the voters. Until today, the elite cared a lot to show citizens the appearence of democracy and legitimacy of candidates. Today it's over. Anybody who will still vote this year, is an idiot. If these idiots will vote for unelected candidate, democracy is over forever.
Annoying Negress Brat Assaults Elderly White Woman at Airport Without Provocation, Wrecks a Store and Resists Arrest     (www.youtube.com)
submitted by TheBigGuyFromQueens to Niggers 5 hours ago (+3/-0)
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From Munich 72 to 7 October attack: the chequered history of the Mossad     (www.msn.com)
submitted by paul_neri to Israel 6 hours ago (+5/-1)
Upsidedown architectural design     (youtu.be)
submitted by Crackinjokes to WhitePeopleThings 1 hour ago (+1/-0)
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Tim hortons sucks now     (whatever)
submitted by the_old_ones to whatever 12 hours ago (+11/-0)
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i have to complain about something.

i had a BLT from timmies today cause i craved some bacon, and wtf happened in the years since ive ordered one from them that it tastes so fucking bland? it would genuinely taste more of something if they had made the sandwich out of literal cardboard. like seriously, how do you get flavorless bacon?
HH \o     (x.com)
submitted by ProudRebel to funny 17 hours ago (+30/-0)
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