Which one of you is this?     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Niggly_Puff to whatever 4 hours ago (+24/-0)
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Brother Nathanael: My Six Point Plan To Ban The Jews     (www.realjewnews.com)
submitted by HonkyMcNiggerSpic to Jews 4 hours ago (+14/-0)
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White people things # 678,334,234,067     (gab.com)
submitted by 2Drunk to videos 6 hours ago (+20/-0)
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‘Twas a Labor of Love, but Worth It! šŸ     (CookingWithGoats)
submitted by dingbat to CookingWithGoats 6 hours ago (+17/-0)
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I had a ton of cherry tomatoes from my garden that I needed to do something with. I figured today would be a perfect day to make some spaghetti sauce and homemade noodles. When I went to the local grocery store my son works at to pick up the rest of the goods and told him the plan, the biggest smile emerged on his face (nothing better than making my son happy).

When I got home, I roasted the tomatoes with some olive oil garlic cloves, salt, pepper, and thyme.

When finished, I cooked down the tomatoes and garlic with some onion, oregano, basil, and of course, more thyme.

I took an immersion blender to the mix and my ā€œcrushed tomatoesā€ were complete.

I browned a pound of beef and a half pound of pork with a large onion, added my crushed tomatoes, salt, two cups of water, a cup of tomato paste, and a dash of red pepper flakes and brown sugar. I let it simmer on low for three and a half hours.

In the interim, I made my noodles. I havenā€™t quite mastered these yet, but Iā€™m getting better. I kneaded the dough for ten minutes, let it rest for 30, and used my pasta maker I inherited from my grandma. Cranked that baby out! \o

I put the pasta noodles in for 1.5 minutes right before I was ready to serve.

I started this venture at 1pm and we just finished eating, but I made a ton of sauce and will have lots of leftovers that I will freeze. The noodles? I may have to used boxed next time, but the homemade are a million times better and tastier! My young man was extremely happy and so was I :)

[BASED] MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell faces online backlash for sinister 'hidden meaning' in new advertisement     (www.dailymail.co.uk)
submitted by ModernGuilt to news 9 hours ago (+32/-0)
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Get this shit     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by HonkyMcNiggerSpic to TellUpgoat 2 hours ago (+6/-0)
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So me, my wife and kids were traveling and decided to stop off at a Buffalo Wild Wings to eat. We usually pack our own stuff but this time we just had to because we weren't prepared. So we get seated and our waitress comes out. She's may be 20-21 or so. She has long black hair, a smoking body but she has some tats and a bull nose ring or whatever they're called. This bitch kept gazing into my eyes every time she came to our table but was quick with everyone else. She was giving me those "come fuck me" eyes right in front of my wife! She wasn'tfishing for a big tip, either because I thought that at first. From where I was sitting I could see the kitchen entrance and after the 10th time checking if I needed anything she walked to the kitchen, turned around and motioned me to come to her. I shook my head no. Hell-to-the-fuck-no sir. I think she was gonna give me her number or address. This bitch is in heat and she wants some HonkyMcNiggerSpic deep dick pizza with my special sauce & extry cheeeese put in her brick oven. It was so obvious my sons were laughing. I would look at them and smirk. I told them that while it makes you feel good when you get attention like that, that I would never betray their mom and that my word means something to me. Its my job to steer them every little chance I get.

Finally, my wife stopped ignoring it and said "I'll rip that bitch's nose ring out". I'm like oh god no. I told her not to. Its just some dumb, young bitch and she doesn't have a chance with me and you know this, -I told her convincingly. She brought our check and before she walked away she looked directly into my blue eyes and said "I hope you come back again, I usually work evenings all week. byeeee" then skipped away with that tight ass and firm C tiddys. My wife snarled her lip while my sons were giggling and said no we won't be back ever. I made sure and lead everyone to the vehicle, got them in then I got in and we left crisis avoided. The universe always throws me some crazy shit and IDK why.

I will say this: Had I been single I would've rocked her like a hurricane. She'd have to enter into therapy after I got done with her.
My Sad Alcohol Story šŸ˜æ     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Kozel to TellUpgoat 4 hours ago (+9/-0)
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Once upon a time myself and a woman were headed to a motel 6 and while unloading the car somehow at least three of the beers broke. We vowed never to forget this grievous occasion. And although I don't remember the date of when this happened I think about it once a year and recall the sad occasion. If you would, please dedicate a second of silence in recognition of our loss.
Why are we at war with Russia?     (gab.com)
submitted by 2Drunk to videos 10 hours ago (+22/-0)
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Fed sprays some truth?      (gab.com)
submitted by 2Drunk to videos 6 hours ago (+9/-0)
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My theory about why they so openly promoted fags in the military. They wanted to make the white Protestant true patriotic fighters who would defend the nation leave the military leaving only people that would do whatever they wanted which will eventually be go after the white Protestant patriotic pe     (Jews)
submitted by Crackinjokes to Jews 7 hours ago (+10/-0)
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My theory about why they so openly promoted fags in the military. They wanted to make the white Protestant true patriotic fighters who would defend the nation leave the military leaving only people that would do whatever they wanted which will eventually be go after the white Protestant patriotic people of this country.

See I really think my white people no longer wanting to join the military while white people think for a minute that oh will show them we're not going to show up and fight for the country and do their bidding what's really maybe happening is exactly what they want which is there aren't going to be any armed white patriotic people in control of the massive weapons of the military that otherwise might resist using them on the population of the United States when the cabal says okay we're just going to start killing everybody and we're just going to start throwing everybody in the gulag like we did in the Soviet Union and there aren't going to be any white people in the military to say oh no instead of pointing the tank at the civilians in the city I'm going to turn the tank around and point the turret at the cabal who's telling us to shoot the civilians. And so all they're going to have in the military is a bunch of imbalanced facts and trannies and mercenaries coming from other countries who joined the military so they can get citizenship and they actually probably hate all the white Protestant Christian Patriots who originally founded the country and would be more than happy to shoot us all.

That's what I think is really going on.
They want the animals gone     (ShowerThoughts)
submitted by Gowithit to ShowerThoughts 11 hours ago (+22/-3)
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Because when shits about to go down the animals know. They bring in the foreigners to eat the cats the dogs and the birds, give them the stamps to season them and give them the house to cook them in.

You are now left facing whatever is coming with your pants down.

never let them catch you with your pants down.

Quit letting these fuckers eat your first line of defense.

Springfield Im looking at you, you lazy whore piece of shit niggers.
The Perspectives of Nigel Farage.     (pomf2.lain.la)
submitted by Dingo to whatever 12 hours ago (+20/-0)
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My I never was an alcoholic or crazy drug user story.     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Crackinjokes to TellUpgoat 7 hours ago (+12/-3)
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Look more power to the people who quit but as most of us feel we all kind of get tired of hearing about people patting each other on the back for stopping the really stupid habit that they got into in the beginning.

So here's my story about not overdoing it with alcohol or drugs.

I never did drink until I was an idiot. A couple of times I drank more than I should and I realized I drank more than I should the next day so I started to set limits on myself realizing that hey you know what if I drank more than two drinks I might start having problems so I go and I have two drinks and they taste good and I don't go crazy over them and I don't do anything else and I don't think about them if I'm going for months at a time and I don't make it the center of My universe and I don't feel the need to go talk to other people about why I drink or don't drink because guess what I understand that if I drink too much it's going to cause me all kinds of problems so I don't do it.

Same thing with drugs.

since everybody else is posting there oh I feel so good about myself because I stopped being a stupid fucking idiot and drinking too much and doing too many drugs I just thought that for all the rest of us who have not done that stupidness I would post a little story too.

Now I expect great praise and support from all of you.

Leave your fuckin dogs at home     (NutziHiveKickers)
submitted by HeyJames to NutziHiveKickers 5 hours ago (+8/-4)
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Dogs should be low maintenance animals that serve a purpose. Dogs exist at our convenience and are not there for emotionally sensitive fucks to tether to them.

Do not bring your dog to costco.

Do not bring your dog to the fuckin bar.

Keep your dog out of the car.

Walk your dog.

Bring your dog to the dog park.

But keep your fuckin dog to yourself literally any other time.

Russia continues to frame racial war rhetoric against Anglo Saxons and Nazis while cuck monkeys on here continue to support them, "It is another manifestation of fraud by the Anglo-Saxons and their Ukrainian puppets."     (WorldWar3)
submitted by BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod to WorldWar3 51 minutes ago (+2/-0)
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Russia will take no part in any follow-up to the Swiss-organized "peace summit" held in June as the process amounts to "fraud," Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Saturday.

Russia was not invited to the June meeting, attended by delegations from more than 90 countries, and dismissed its deliberations as meaningless without Moscow's participation.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy has said he hopes to organise a follow-up meeting by the end of the year with Russia attending.

"This process itself has nothing to do with a settlement," Zakharova wrote on the Telegram messaging app. "It is another manifestation of fraud by the Anglo-Saxons and their Ukrainian puppets."

She said Russia was ready to discuss "truly serious proposals" that take account of the "situation on the ground" - an oblique reference to Russia's annexation of four Ukrainian regions, though without fully occupying any of them.

Ukraine and its Western backers were "not thinking about peace," she said, citing Ukraine's incursion into southern Russia's Kursk region, launched last month, and to Zelenskiy's persistent appeals for long-range Western weaponry.

On the eve of the June summit, Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin set conditions for holding talks with Ukraine, including a demand that Kyiv abandon all four of the regions Moscow now claims as its own. Moscow has since said it can hold no talks while Ukrainian troops are in its Kursk region.

Zelenskiy has based Kyiv's position on a "peace formula" presented at the end of 2022, including withdrawal of all Russian troops, reaffirming Ukraine's post-Soviet borders and a mechanism to bring Moscow to account for the invasion.

Said cuck monkeys: https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/166/490/780/original/c35553860c7a9fe8.jpg
Another "I Quit Drinking" Story     (TellTalk)
submitted by Trope to TellTalk 14 hours ago (+26/-0)
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Figured I'd share this on a Sunday morning if it helps motivate those of you who believe your life could benefit from quitting. Drinking was a habit I picked up at the end of high school. At first, I loved that it brought people together and always worked as a powerful stimulant (to me), made me feel confident, and brought out my passions. A lot of things failed to materialize in my young adult years which I attribute to a lack of guidance and help from parental figures. I certainly had passion and drive, but no good outlets on which to apply them. I did become quite adept at getting all the lost and drunken youth together and became king of the losers. I know to this day, if I head over to the local hole-in-the-wall taverns, I can still expect to see many of those familiar faces.

I married a great woman. Blonde hair, blue eyes, with a wonderful and supportive family. She tolerated my drinking and never picked it up herself. (Thank God) As the years went on, many great things happened. We got a house, got married. However, I still felt stuck. I still wasn't happy with my line of work. She came home one day and I was drunk off my butt in front of the computer. She didn't understand why I stayed in a profession that I found spiritually unfulfilling, and it began to upset her. My early adult years, I had developed a bad habit of using alcohol as a coping mechanism. But why was I coping now? I have so many blessings and a foundation on which to finally grow. Two things had occurred to me: First, I didn't want to settle for an average life by wasting away my free time drinking. And secondly, my wife deserved better than a loser alcoholic husband.

Something I liked about AA is that it brought people together and it felt good to connect with other people. However, I hated that those sessions only lasted an hour - and that these hour-long spurts of time were compartmentalized and would never amount to anything long-term. Nothing good got planned or built in AA. I needed to keep busy to secure a steady stream of dopamine. After all, that's what the alcohol gave me. I was the kind of guy who would start drinking and then wake up in strange places. It always fulfilled a deep-rooted need for adventure.

I joined a church per the advice of some friends. Started volunteering. Was happy to help those old fuckers because I had the time and the energy. Started hanging out with the pastor who introduced me to many of his affluent friends. Some of which were business owners. Having hung out with losers much of my life, it was really cool to meet good hard-working people who genuinely wanted to best for one another. I became a trustee to the church, a formal non-profit organization. Still, I could not stand the speed at which that counsel made decisions. I also found many of the Christian messages to be soft and repetitive. (But that's a topic for a different post). I had always been more of the atheist/agnostic type so it came as a shock to people to hear that I had become a part of a church.

I hated my job. I felt like I was worth more. However, if I was actually worth more, then I would indeed be making more. My feelings about the matter were irrelevant and I knew my actions would speak leaps and bounds. How could I be in my 'career' but still be living almost paycheck-to-paycheck? I took on two part-time jobs. One of which was a serving job in a high-end restaurant. I had a lot of fun here being around people again and was making some decent buckaroos. I quickly paid down any debts I still had. Keeping the dopamine party flowing, I put my resume together and began applying for similar jobs that paid way more. Eventually, I was offered a job that paid substantially more. Unlike my boring friends with their 401ks and craft beers, I told myself I would never be boring if I had money.

In that time, I started reading a lot of books. Non-fiction. I figured there's men out there older, wiser, and more successful than me. I shared all my newfound information with my best friend. Him and I had many long discussions about what we wanted in life. We also had great credit, which we had both completely destroyed in our youth. We planned to start a small business. Researched how to form the LLC and studied the heck out of how taxes worked. Today we are reaching our third year and a good chunk of our business debt is paid off. There's a nice amount of cashflow (Considering we've never done anything like this before and grew up poor as heck). but so much of it goes toward the loan which will soon be paid off. Once that debt is paid, we'll be able to expand and thereā€™s no telling what the future will bring. Neither of us want to take money from the business. Weā€™re two guys who grew up with nothing now watching their tree begin to grow fruit and water itself.

It had occurred to me that I only ever got into my profession because I needed to get out of poverty. I had finally gained some traction in life and two things became apparent: I have found success in areas of my life in which I applied myself. And secondly: this shit takes a long time. Anyway, I had contemplated a return to school over the years and have finally done that. This time, I am easily able to pay for my classes (Unlike when I was a broke misguided youth working for minimum wage). Unlike before, this time I am going after a profession that will pay well and best utilize my talents. Whereas before, I went to school to get into the most-easily obtained skilled profession that would get me out of poverty. Fuck my free-time. What am I gonna do, play video games and watch Nova? I already enjoy reading so going through the course material and textbooks comes naturally.

In a few short years after quitting drinking, my life went from throwing shit at a wall as fast as possible and seeing what stuck ā€“ to being so incredibly busy that my time has become valuable and itā€™s forced me to learn to better schedule and triage my responsibilities. But Iā€™d rather have the problem of being too busy than be faced with the death and decay that is boredom.

My wife and I are finally talking about having children and I cannot wait. Although I do want to move us into a better neighborhood. Iā€™ve learned life is not a bunch of front-loaded work and then you relax. No, life is a constant stream of learning and development. We strive for work and fulfillment and we donā€™t want to corrupt that drive with drugs and alcohol. Anyway, thank you for reading and letting me share. Typing this up has revitalized my spirits and reminded me why I keep working.
Women and their obsession with hair dye     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Jimmycrackerson to Memes 16 hours ago (+36/-2)
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Kikes on fire!      (www.zerohedge.com)
submitted by lord_nougat to funny 11 hours ago (+12/-0)
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A little something for all those who post about how they quit drinking and they quit using drugs     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Crackinjokes to TellUpgoat 5 hours ago (+4/-1)
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You know what I'd like?

I'd like an apology from you all.

Because let me tell you at all the parties and everything you were drinking at it was always about you. You were bothering everybody else you were ruining it for everybody else you were making it all about you you were starting fights you were doing other stuff that was annoying and it was always about you.

And now you want everybody to celebrate your stopping drinking or stopping your drugs and once again it's all about you.

You talk about how it's helped you how you have changed how all this is changed and made your life better. Yeah no shit Sherlock we all realize that early on and that's why we didn't make it all about us and we had some civil restraint and we didn't make fools of ourselves and we didn't start fights and make all the other trouble that you all made.

So you know what I'd like to hear from you all to know that it's really changed you?

An apology.

An apology for all the parties you ruined. All the drunken fights you started. All the friends who had to stop what they were doing to take care of you because you were fucking yourself up. All the people who had to drive you home. All the people had to bail you out. All the people you inconvenienced. Because it was all about you.

Because when you picked up the next drink it was about you and how you felt and how you were handling whatever the hell you were going through that everybody else was going through but somehow was managing to not make it all about them.

So all you people coming on here seemingly want to make this another version of AA and somehow a gathering about you?

Show everybody you've really changed.

Stop making it about you.

And apologize for making it about you your whole damn life!
Pink Floyd - Lost for Words     (m.youtube.com)
submitted by Smedleys_Butler to SmedleysPorch 9 hours ago (+9/-0)
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When tits were real     (whatever)
submitted by texasblood to whatever 3 hours ago (+4/-2)
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Pussy was hairy
If there ever really was "good ole days"who can argue this?
80's and 90's damn sure wasn't close
oh lawd     (pomf2.lain.la)
submitted by boekanier to funny 47 minutes ago (+1/-0)
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Venezuelans Finna Out Nigger The Nigger Gangs In Chimpcongo!     (www.foxnews.com)
submitted by TheOriginal1Icemonkey to Niggers 3 hours ago (+2/-0)
File under: "Told You So. Again."     (www.midwesterndoctor.com)
submitted by BulletStopper to CovidWorldOrder 10 hours ago (+9/-0)
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The effects of the clot-shot are now putting hospitals under more strain than they EVER were during the "plandemic".

The "cure" is proving to be 100x worse than the "disease" ever was.

There was a video recently of a nurse saying that she was one of only 3 unvaccinated nurse at the hospital, and what she was observing there.

Weā€™re approaching the time when they wonā€™t have any choice but to come clean.

Which means we're also about due for another (real or faked) false flag mass casualty event to distract us from hanging them all.
what is time?     (pomf2.lain.la)
submitted by boekanier to funny 1 hour ago (+1/-0)