Stay safe out there goats. They're coming for us.     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by ProudRebel to TellUpgoat 4 hours ago (+20/-0)
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Toll paid     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Niggly_Puff to WatchPeopleDie 7 hours ago (+32/-1)
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He died. Broke his neck. All to avoid paying $2.90. Nothing is more sweet than instant karma. https://files.catbox.moe/3yi9o3.jpeg
Say your prayers      (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by big_fat_dangus to ThotPatrol 4 hours ago (+23/-2)
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They literally can't have any clean water     (youtube.com)
submitted by NoRefunds to IndiaRaw 5 hours ago (+21/-0)
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is this real? Horrific Vaccine Injury Leaves 23-Year-Old Woman Fighting for Her Life     (vigilantfox.news)
submitted by dosvydanya_freedomz to DeathVax19 3 hours ago (+11/-0)
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Alexis Lorenze was mandated to take three vaccines against her will, and now she anticipates only having a few days to live. Her dying wish is for you to share her story.

According to Steve Kirsch, her symptoms were immediate and severe: “Within 10 minutes of the 3 vaccines which were given all at the same time, Alexis went temporarily blind in both eyes, had a locked jaw, began vomiting, and then things went horribly downhill from there.

In a plea for help that went viral, Alexis described how her entire body was covered in bruises and hematomas. She was in excruciating pain, and despite her deteriorating condition, the hospital allegedly did little to address her life-threatening symptoms, opting instead to treat her with pain medication and Benadryl


UPDATE: "Alexis looks so much better than yesterday morning. It's like night and day. We're much more stable than we were yesterday," Nurse Angela reported.
My wife is deaf and we have a hard time communicating in the bedroom when it's dark.      (Jokes)
submitted by HonkyMcNiggerSpic to Jokes 1 hour ago (+6/-0)
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So I turned on a lamp and I signed to her "Whenever you want to have sex just pull my penis once, when you don't feel like it, pull it 150 times."
Trump is an agent for israel and jews     (rumble.com)
submitted by HonkyMcNiggerSpic to Jews 4 hours ago (+10/-1)
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Everybody thinks the Jews have taught us all or trying to teach us all to be pedophiles but what they've actually done is much worse. But they've actually done is taught all the white Europeans that their daughters should not have kids. They've taught them to wait until they're 25 or 30 when actuall     (Jews)
submitted by Crackinjokes to Jews 5 hours ago (+10/-0)
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Everybody thinks the Jews have taught us all or trying to teach us all to be pedophiles but what they've actually done is much worse. But they've actually done is taught all the white Europeans that their daughters should not have kids. They've taught them to wait until they're 25 or 30 when actually the only thing that will save the white European population is if we go back to the old ways which is you make sure your daughter starts having babies at 16 and she has a baby every year until she's in her twenties it's like the old days
Coal burning cunt     (x.com)
submitted by GreatSatan to WhiteWomen 10 hours ago (+22/-0)
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Youtube is promoting more anti dispensationalism videos and the jews are seething      (TellTalk)
submitted by GodsNotDead to TellTalk 8 hours ago (+14/-0)
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Kikes are seething on the goy noticing. It's hilarious!
SNL Once Did a Skit of Obama and Justin Bieber—And After the Latest P. Diddy Revelation, “Weird” Doesn’t Even Begin to Describe It     (redstatenation.com)
submitted by ProudAmerican to news 9 hours ago (+16/-1)
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Justin Bieber told us what happened to him… 💔

How many more P Diddy/ Epstein’s are going to be exposed…

All of these Monsters need to be Exposed…

Light is the best disinfectant.
Mike Obama Raped Child Star Beiber     (nitter.poast.org)
submitted by FreeinTX to TellTalk 10 hours ago (+20/-0)
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Crazy eyed "Dr" with a million twitter followers wants us to have compassion for pedophiles.     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by allAheadFull to Weimerica 1 hour ago (+3/-0)
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Tolerance is not a virtue.


Limited Understanding     (pomf2.lain.la)
submitted by Wahaha to funny 9 hours ago (+16/-1)
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Husky with Italian accent     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by jfroybees to AnimalsBeingBros 14 hours ago (+33/-0)
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Self-control     (pomf2.lain.la)
submitted by UncleDoug to Stoicism 13 hours ago (+27/-1)
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It's ok goats to enjoy a libation for favour, you don't have to drink to get blackout drunk.

Self-control, or the ability to manage one's impulses, emotions, and behaviors to achieve long-term goals.

A strong dislike of of abborant behavior     (whatever)
submitted by racerxist to whatever 5 hours ago (+6/-0)
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This is my go to phrase to all fingers pointed at me for being called a HATER.
The chat lately      (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by JosephGoebbeIs to TotalDangusDeath 11 hours ago (+16/-1)
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submitted by Zyklonbeekeeper to HDLunited 1 hour ago (+2/-0)
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Just got word about 2hrs ago from buddy in Niagra Falls...

The site he is on has banned unauthorized communication equipment.

This is good.

Now we are waiting for the Ministry of Labor to address the issue...but they are a fucking joke too.

We'll set a precedence on our own. And not a peep from the communist union leaders.

This issue should have wide reaching implications by mid week. One guy even mentioned "baby monitors", huh, I never thought of that one.
Which One Of You Had an Epic Murder Meltdown In Portland Recently?     (www.youtube.com)
submitted by TheBigGuyFromQueens to Crime 11 hours ago (+14/-1)
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Chased by snakes     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by dulcima to Reptiles 17 hours ago (+38/-1)
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New ALS Meme Drop     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by FacelessOne to SoapboxBanhammer 11 hours ago (+13/-1)
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Which one of you is this?     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Niggly_Puff to whatever 20 hours ago (+58/-0)
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One Rape Per Hour Daily Reported in Diversified Multicultural London — Headlines — September 20, 2024     (WorldNews)
submitted by carnold03 to WorldNews 10 hours ago (+11/-0)
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#One Rape Per Hour Daily Reported in Diversified Multicultural London — Headlines — September 20, 2024

Rape reported every hour in London

More than 8,800 rape incidents were reported to the Metropolitan Police in 2023 - an average of 24 a day. Charities have called the findings "horrifying" but say the true extent of sexual offending will be far higher. FULL STORY

Starbucks North America CEO Michael Conway Quits After Just 6 Months In The Position

He took on the position in April, informed the company of his decision last week to remain with the company until November 30 to assist with the leadership transition, as per a Securities and Exchange Commission filing, concluding his 11-year tenure at Starbucks. FULL STORY

Stopping the Monumental Lies, Cheating, Stealing and Chicanery

Combating the Cheat. Democrats rigging and stealing the vote is atop the mind of every US Patriot. FULL STORY

Ghost Jobs Haunt the Economy

Most recruiters post jobs that don't actually exist because it impacts government decisions on immigration levels. FULL STORY

Kotaku Journo Tries To Cancel Space Marine 2 Developer Over Leaving Comment On Asmongold's YouTube Channel Opposing DEI

The Saber CEO said games should be fun, praised Asmongold, and thanked him for his Space Marine 2 coverage. Kotaku hit hardest. FULL STORY

‘Concord’ Director Reportedly Steps Down Following Game’s Failure, Fellow Firewalk Studios Devs Presume Mass Layoffs Inbound

Despite his wording’s suggestion that Concord may come back later in some way, shape, or form, Gach’s insiders say that not only is this looking completely unlikely, but so is their continued employment. FULL STORY

Trump Needs Catholic Voters to Win

Although the pope refrained from endorsing either candidate, his comments could sway the outcome of America's presidential election. FULL STORY

Left-wing nun downplays evil of abortion during virtual ‘Catholics for Harris’ event

Sister Simone Campbell made light of the Church’s teachings while backing the Democrat candidate, saying 'Our Catholic faith doesn't require the outlaw of abortion … it’s about protecting life at all stages. We must trust people's conscience' while apparently equating issues like housing and immigration with killing a pre-born child. FULL STORY

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- Gone With the Blastwave

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Discipline     (pomf2.lain.la)
submitted by UncleDoug to Stoicism 13 hours ago (+16/-0)
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Everytime I read a post where goats are unable to moderate their vices.

Ahh ban the liquid jew he cries.