I LIVED FAGGOTS!!!      (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Trumpman1488 to whatever 46 minutes ago (+14/-0)
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You can't get rid of me that easy!!!! Me and the cats are doing just fine!! That was a hell of a storm but Lord God watched over me! Got my President Trump flag back out and ready to get back to work! The wife and kids can't get back home just yet but I will be cleaning up the lawn in the meantime. Pic was taken by my neighbor who also stayed. OORAH!!!!
Kris Kristofferson, 88, Beloved singer-songwriter, actor worked with Johnny Cash, Bob Dylan, Janis Joplin died at his home in Maui, Hawaii, on Saturday. No cause was given.     (www.newser.com)
submitted by carnold03 to RIP 2 hours ago (+8/-0)
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This is pretty wild. Why would all these be in a line over water and land unless it was a flight line?     (threadreaderapp.com)
submitted by Crackinjokes to History 10 hours ago (+27/-0)
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Just saw a homeless woman at Publix      (whatever)
submitted by con77 to whatever 10 hours ago (+25/-0)
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She was about 70. She appeared to have her wits about her and looked clean.

I talked to her for a minute and she told me that she lost her apt.


I see refugees here in Pinellas county. The most densely populated county in Florida.

These mother fuckers are living off the taxpayers while veterans and the elderly suffer.

It's criminal.
UK really is a muslim feminist dystopia.     (pomf2.lain.la)
submitted by boekanier to whatever 7 hours ago (+14/-0)
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modern problems require modern solutions      (pomf2.lain.la)
submitted by boekanier to funny 7 hours ago (+12/-0)
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Imagine being an American and not realizing you live in west israel     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by ProudRebel to kikes 16 hours ago (+52/-0)
12 comments last comment...
Here are some things you can replace JavaScript with CSS     (chat-to.dev)
submitted by byte to programming 2 hours ago (+5/-1)
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I love the fall.      (whatever)
submitted by GreenSaint to whatever 7 hours ago (+12/-2)
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All the leaves changing. The weather cools down. Hockey season starts. Football starts. So many good fight cards happen. You got Halloween which is awesome cause I love horror. Then you got Thanksgiving and Christmas my birthday and new years all back to back to back. What a great time of year. It’s so awesome
Nick Menza was a Great Drummer 🥁      (youtu.be)
submitted by dingbat to Metal 8 hours ago (+11/-0)
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I know everyone loved Gar, but Nick was really good too.
'Sheer and utter madness': Data reveals tens of thousands of criminal migrants in US     (www.msn.com)
submitted by paul_neri to America 4 hours ago (+5/-0)
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"True Love"     (pomf2.lain.la)
submitted by boekanier to funny 7 hours ago (+8/-0)
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St. Jerome September 30th | Saint of the Day     (www.youtube.com)
submitted by carnold03 to Christianity 3 hours ago (+3/-0)

#St. Jerome September 30th | Saint of the Day

Before he was known as Saint Jerome, he was named Eusebius Sophronius Hieronymus. He was born around 342 AD, in Stridon, Dalmatia. Today, the town, which ceased to exist in Jerome's time, would likely be in Croatia or Slovenia.

The young Jerome was educated by Aelius Donatus, who was a famous Roman grammarian. From him, the young Jerome learned Latin and Greek. Little else is known of his childhood other than his parents were probably well-to-do and Christian. Despite their efforts to raise Jerome properly, the young man behaved as he chose.

Continue reading: https://www.catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=10

Catholic Online is a Project of Your Catholic Voice Foundation, a Not-for-Profit Corporation granted a recognition of tax exemption under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Federal Tax Identification Number: 81-0596847. All donations are tax-deductible.
Godot let out their degeneracy and immediatly have a huge hissy fit     (www.youtube.com)
submitted by AnmanIndustries to gaming 4 hours ago (+4/-0)
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He still has to go back but he can stay until the very end, he earned it.     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Rotteuxx to whatever 18 hours ago (+55/-3)
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Ignore distractions     (www.imgbly.com)
submitted by gardella to Guns 10 hours ago (+12/-0)
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Pink Floyd - Thin Ice/Hey You     (m.youtube.com)
submitted by Smedleys_Butler to NightHikingMusic 4 hours ago (+4/-0)
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Doxxing @TurdLord5000     (seed171.bitchute.com)
submitted by rando to SoapDoxHamBanner 11 hours ago (+14/-0)
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Russian turd stuck in pipe

People that drive with their brights on.     (whatever)
submitted by con77 to whatever 10 hours ago (+12/-0)
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Should be horse whipped.

Seriously though their licenses should be amended with the provision that they can't drive after sunset.

I see this every night in Florida.
Youtube on Haitians Also Invading Southwestern Pennsylvania. Sickening. They're Getting Everything from the Government and We're Treated Like Shit.     (www.youtube.com)
submitted by TheBigGuyFromQueens to USPolitics 6 hours ago (+5/-0)
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German forklift safety video goes from zero to psycho in less than 5 minutes... Worth the watch.     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Rotteuxx to funny 17 hours ago (+37/-2)
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Former California Polytechnic State University Track Star, Shelby Daniele, Dead At 23     (www.msn.com)
submitted by carnold03 to RIP 2 hours ago (+2/-0)
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Best Vidya Game Ever     (gaming)
submitted by Kozel to gaming 11 hours ago (+11/-0)
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You only get to pick one. No further criteria.

I go with...

Heroes of Might and Magic 3
I have not forgotten what you did to Napster, Lars. Fuck you.     (whatever)
submitted by oyveyo to whatever 4 hours ago (+4/-1)
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Conservative Jim Norton marries transfaggot pornstar     (www.forbes.com)
submitted by Conspirologist to Universal 6 hours ago (+4/-1)
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