Simple problems, simple solutions     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Niggly_Puff to videos 4 hours ago (+34/-1)
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Ima dox myself     (introductions)
submitted by __47__ to introductions 4 hours ago (+23/-1)
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My name is Ryan but I go by 47. I've been around since old voat and the fattening on reddit. I've become extremely national socialist since then. I hate nearly everything modern. I've recently hit the skids and it sucks. I fight back as best as I can but I'm losing the battle. The guys and girls here are my some of my only friends. I tried redpilling my friends and that caused me to lose them. My ex used to beat on me and as soon as I punched back guess who went to county? I live in a place where all my neighbors are black or speak Spanish. I used to be a an IT manager and the "golden standard" of buyers by the head boss. I'd dine it for close to 20 years. Got into a car accident, tboned, lost all my paid time off so everytime I got sick or have an animal die I got a write up. I WAS THE FUCKING REASON THAT PLACE STILL EXISTED. I got with an old boss to help negotiate the buyout. Saving tons of jobs. That motherfucker basically turned over the store to liberal women. It'd still doing well but I wouldn't want to work there anymore.
If Trump was "literally Hitler" I would vote for him so hard...     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by ProudRebel to TellUpgoat 7 hours ago (+26/-0)
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White Flight original content     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by oyveyo to whatever 9 hours ago (+35/-0)
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The farther down the rabbit hole you go, the more silent the T becomes     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Sleazy to TellUpgoat 8 hours ago (+27/-0)
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Thiel's Palantir dumped by Norwegian investor over work for Israel     (www.reuters.com)
submitted by Nasturtium to news 4 hours ago (+13/-0)
Sean 'Diddy' Combs threatened to 'kill' teenager at party before raping them new lawsuit claims. Your rap heroes are all faggots and pedophiles. Fuck you for liking that shit.     (www.mirror.co.uk)
submitted by MasterSuppressionTechnique to news 12 hours ago (+54/-1)
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Based German     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by TheOriginal1Icemonkey to whatever 20 minutes ago (+5/-0)
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Except, he should have said “fag”
Average American wife     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by big_fat_dangus to clusterBbitches 8 hours ago (+19/-0)
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And For That Reason, I'm Out!     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by TheOriginal1Icemonkey to Jews 30 minutes ago (+4/-0)
😂     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by GreatSatan to whatever 14 hours ago (+45/-1)
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Lisbon burned down by nigger migrants     (x.com)
submitted by Conspirologist to MeanwhileOnTwitter 7 hours ago (+13/-0)
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Do you think the World Series is fixed?     (AskUpgoat)
submitted by Smedleys_Butler to AskUpgoat 3 hours ago (+6/-0)
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Once Phillies were out, I predicted a dodgers/Yankees set. I think there's a number of umpires that have already been on the take this season, as technology may threaten job security, etc... thing is, who would the movers and shakers want to win. Dodgers should be the logical shoe in, with the amount put into Otahni... But then you always have the want for the Yankees franchise to get another notch (28).

Granted, most of you don't give a shit, and looks like Israel is bombing Iran, so how's your Friday?
Ridiculous ‘Trump Groped Me’ Story Backfires, Causes #KamalaGropedMe To Trend     (modernity.news)
submitted by Sector2 to USPolitics 7 hours ago (+14/-1)
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Ukraine Blocked from Joining NATO     (www.armstrongeconomics.com)
submitted by beece to War 4 hours ago (+8/-1)
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Modern Man     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by TheOriginal1Icemonkey to whatever 17 minutes ago (+3/-0)
Israeli Shit Freaks     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by TheOriginal1Icemonkey to Jews 28 minutes ago (+3/-0)
CNN never televised Trump rallys but did the rally in Butler Pa?     (whatever)
submitted by con77 to whatever 12 hours ago (+29/-2)
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That's not a coincidence. It's evidence of a conspiracy
Check Out This Axe     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Kozel to Racism 1 hour ago (+4/-0)
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Elon Musk makes fun of the Qtards 😂     (x.com)
submitted by GreatSatan to QMania 4 hours ago (+6/-0)
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A pattern I’ve noticed with women and how they communicate      (whatever)
submitted by TheOriginal1Icemonkey to whatever 59 minutes ago (+3/-0)
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It came to my attention via a meme recently, but I don’t have access to the meme at the moment.
Here’s the deal; it seems like almost every time a woman calls into a talk radio show, whether she is speaking with a male or female host, doesn’t matter. In almost every instance, the female caller finds it necessary to talk over the host.

In otherwords, the caller, female, asks a question, and while the host is responding, the woman talks over……..
Ah shit, you know what I mean. They all do it, all the time.

wtf is it with these twats?

Men call in to radio shows and don’t do this thing, ever.
Well, we had a frost this morning. We've had a few. That means winter is on the way. The foliage has lost its luster and many leaves have fallen to the ground. That's okay... We still haev the Friday Night Guitar Thread! Come join us!     (Guitar)
submitted by TheRealBuddha to Guitar 2 hours ago (+5/-1)
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Once again, it's time for the FNGT!

If you don't know how this works, click this link. That link will take you to another site to give you some additional information and tell you about some of our off-site features. That's also the site where we will host the weekly guitar threads, should upgoat go down.

NOTE: That site is by invitation only. If you want an invite, ask a regular participant (such as @Sleazy or myself)

If you already know what's going on, you probably don't need to click any of those links. You can still visit to see if any changes have been made, as that's also where we kept the archives and have a second forum.

By the way, we're down to just two of us. If you want to help, let us know.
"Fellow Voters"     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by MasterSuppressionTechnique to PedosExposed 13 hours ago (+29/-1)
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My schizo take of the day: Biden is just as mentally sound as ever, and they've actually been doping him up for public appearances to make it look like he is a demented, senile old man, mentally unfit to "serve".     (whatever)
submitted by Nosferatjew to whatever 5 hours ago (+7/-0)
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And this was all about installing an even more "(((effective)))" DEI puppet.

OR, and maybe even more likely, the whole point was to put Trump back into office to prevent people from actually revolting, while still having a loyal gigashabos boomerbait puppet in power.

Biden seems to be strangely "with it" when he's not doing big events, like debates, pressers, or foreign relations type shit. Often times, from what I've seen, when he's out chumming it up with "the people", he seems pretty sharp for an old fart. At least, way more sharp than I think we're supposed to believe.


Edit: or Biden is long dead, and what we see now are just lame doubles.
Doxxing @Master_Foo     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by oyveyo to whatever 1 hour ago (+3/-0)
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