Women MUST have children. The basic premise that women should have complete autonomy over their bodies and no responsibilities to society ignores the fact that men involuntarily must fight and die with a draft to preserve society.
Women must have children at least until artificial wombs are accepted. Then the need for women will be much lessened.
I honestly cannot imagine being a person who took that vaccine today. The reality must be sinking in that they are subject to a young untimely death without warning at any sudden moment.
I think we should begin to think about how that is going to change their actions during their remaining life.
What are they going to be willing to sacrifice for? Will they have anger and resentment they may turn against society? Will they misdirect it against those who avoided the vax? (which we've already seen them do so we know that's possibly true.)
But will they also then direct it against society in other ways?
Will they just become hedonistic and never be productive anymore? I think that would be tempting for someone who thinks there's a 50% or 90% or whatever percent probability that they're going to die before 40. I think if I thought that then my actions would be different although I wouldn't be violent.
I mean if you can't sort of have a reasonable expectation of living at least until 60 or 70 and hopefully 80 or 90 then doesn't that change what you're willing to do in your a young life for a society and as far as working and Building things that last for the next generations?
Doesn't it affect your thinking about saving money and working for future pensions as well?
I don't know that this has been explored enough because I don't think enough people who took the vax have yet accepted the fact that they have a huge percent chance of dying in the next 20 years rather than in the next 50 or 60 which most of them probably assumed.