@system This is the only place like this. Open up for donations we can fund it. It doesn’t seem like it but it helps. When voat shut down I was so sad then I found everyone again you can’t do it again man I get it’s depressing but fuck man you can’t shut it down man come on
Let's get it all out on the table, then create a poll! No one is obligated to migrate to the favored landing site, but at-least we'll have a good chance at getting the most GOATS in the same barn, and, we'll also have a good blueprint of where all the wayward GOATS are scattered! This place works because of the "DNA" that each of us brings to it! Getting scattered, will be the literal end of GOATDOM as we know it.
To be clear the scenario here is that our "planet" is about to die, and we're sending out an expedition team to see were life exists, and if it's suitable to our "survival". I've already seen some names thrown about, but I don't have high hopes for some of them.
Let's keep responses limited to alternative sites and their suitability, and not clutter this thread with miscellaneous chatter.
@system, Can we get this pinned to the top of the list so that it sticks around and doesn't get swallowed up by other posts?
Many of us are instinctually itching to help build something great. If System needed to start a donation/subscription program to keep this city running, I’m sure many of us would contribute so long as we could maintain anonymity.
And I’m sure IsraelRespector would loan money towards it too!
Contributors could have a different color or badge near their usernames. This would separate the good members from the trolls. I mean, I would still be a shitposting troll but I’d pay for that luxury.
Someone in europe wrote some own thoughts and plastered it as "far east mystic wisdom" and everybody bought into it. Even the locals, who just went along the way and started copying the "culture" the europeans wrote about. Imagine after some kind of book of wisdom written by some european, who wanted just get famous and money, other europeans visited indian subcontinent and asked locals about such "culture". What do you think happened? Of course those indians said "yes" to everything, just like they have told "yes" to everything forever. And of course they joined the grift and started building sculptures, temples and all other shit(with european money) to attract more tourist... i mean supreme knowledge seekers. I even speculate that absolutely nothing was written before european contact, except some decrees. For example, if we look at local crimean khanate "manuscripts", all we have left are two types of texts. The prices of slaves and texts about religion(basically justifications why owning slaves is awesome, muh infidels). And that's IN EUROPE.
I need to touch more grass anyhow, or frozen dirt --whatever. Also, if this is a place for free speech and can't grow, maybe that means that people don't want free speech. And if that's the case, the people do not deserve it.