Didn't the recent events in Syria just prove all of those muslim groups like ISIS and the Taliban are funded by jews?     (whatever)
submitted by Rob3122 to whatever 4 hours ago (+30/-0)
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So let me get this straight: "Syrian rebels" aka the newest Muslim terrorist unit takes Syria from Assad. Then a day later the IDF takes claim to part of Syria as well! And the new Muslim terrorist group just let's it happen?...
Teach your kids the importance of how they present themselves.     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by canbot to funny 7 hours ago (+32/-0)
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The more you fuck around     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by kammmmak to whatever 8 hours ago (+37/-0)
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We're gonna need McCauley Culkin to fact check this      (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Smedleys_Butler to Memes 5 hours ago (+20/-0)
Enough about the racist past     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by kammmmak to whatever 9 hours ago (+36/-0)
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Just shitposting. Hope you enjoy it too.     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by ProudRebel to whatever 3 hours ago (+13/-0)
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9 masks     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by kammmmak to whatever 8 hours ago (+30/-1)
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Congressman Brian Mast, Who Wears His Israeli Military Uniform to Congress, to be Next House Foreign Affairs Chair. Z.O.G. is preparing to sacrifice more US tax dollars & lives for Israel.     (www.informationliberation.com)
submitted by John_B_14 to Jews 2 hours ago (+11/-0)
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Dec. 11, 2024

Israel First Rep. Brian Mast (R) of Florida, who wears his Israel Defense Forces uniform to Congress, is set to become the next chair of the powerful House Foreign Affairs Committee thanks to a "push" from President-elect Donald Trump.

Why is it that no women are trying     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by kammmmak to whatever 7 hours ago (+24/-0)
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Guise, Congressman Van Drew says (((information))) was given to him from (((very high sources))) strongly suggesting the drones in NJ & other states are... Iranian! BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAhahahahahahalmao THESE FUCKIN KIKES and ziotard losers      (gcaptain.com)
submitted by HonkyMcNiggerSpic to Jews 6 hours ago (+16/-0)
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In a blow it be all rayciss n shiet      (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by kammmmak to whatever 9 hours ago (+24/-0)
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I'm Going To Hold Off Awhile longer     (pomf2.lain.la)
submitted by bossman131 to random 2 hours ago (+7/-0)
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It's Really, really Ending this Time?     (pomf2.lain.la)
submitted by bossman131 to random 7 hours ago (+19/-0)
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Ineligible to get the 60k reward shekels      (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by kammmmak to whatever 8 hours ago (+21/-0)
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I want Total Pajeet Death     (AnonTalk)
submitted by anon to AnonTalk 5 hours ago (+12/-0)
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There are something like 1.9 billion of these fucking shit critters in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. How many more scattered throughout the West?

I hate pajeets more than I hate niggers and jews combined. I want all of them gone but if I had to pick one to get rid off, it'd be the poos.
Why the fuck do trucker scum insist on getting into the passing lane and impeding traffic?     (Rants)
submitted by HonkyMcNiggerSpic to Rants 1 hour ago (+5/-0)
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These pajeet pos really get to me. I'm trying to get down the highway and there they are. Traffic backed up for a long ways. I start beeping and flashing lights. Street shitter doesn't care. So I passed on the shoulder and ten vehicles followed me! I held my middle finger out the sunroof fuckin cocksucker!

Then there's the scum who are in the passing lane at a red light and when the light changes to green they start off going slower than a loaded 18-wheeler and it takes them at least a quarter mile to get up to or near the speed limit. reeeeeee I hate these MF. GTFO my way

Then there's those retards who pull out into the passing lane going like 30 in a 70 and here I come and have to lock up the brakes. Pure fucking scumbags. Society has went downhill badly.

Then we have the retards who sow up the slow lane. For example, I am in the passing lane and need to get over because some prick is riding my ass in a bigger hurry than me but I can't get over because the idiot I was trying to pass hits his throttle every time I almost get past him. wtf even is that shit? So I speed up to like 90 and there that MF is still and I can't get over and prick is still right on my ass. I could almost break a spring.

Then we have the modern retard. The light changes from red to green and both lanes are on their phones and not paying attention so I'm sitting behind these NPC pos not moving for almost ten seconds. Usually, these days, as soon as the light turns green i lay on my horn. GTFO my way. If these dumb fucks want to play on their phone then they should pull off and act like low T fags. Otherwise, GTFO my way.

Night driving: Many people don't even bother turning their high beams down when I encounter them out on the highway so I blast them with my high intensity high beams. and don't forget the retard that gets behind you with their high beams on. I slow down very slow for those pos.

Nobody uses turn signals anymore so there's that to contend with, as well. Imagine being so dumb & lazy that you cannot move your fingers one to two inches and use your turn signal. I don't have ESP.

Last night I was on my way home and this suv got up beside me and they kept coming across the center line almost hitting me. Then they get get a ways ahead of me and I see them get over into the slow lane, no blinker, mind you, and there is a vehicle right beside of them and they ran them off the road.

and don't even get me started on encountering boomers at 4-way stops. They start doing that motioning shit telling others to go. That shit makes me snap.

If you have to drive somewhere you have to be a ninja and watch for retards

The (((feds))) are saying the drones in New Jersey are from an Iranian mother ship. It's true. They have pictures and everything.     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by ProudRebel to whatever 5 hours ago (+10/-0)
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North Korea Best Korea     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by FreeinTX to TellTalk 13 hours ago (+39/-0)
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Yea that totally happened. "Israel Destroys Ousted Assad Regime’s Chemical Stockpiles, WMDs"     (legalinsurrection.com)
submitted by ProudRebel to whatever 1 hour ago (+4/-0)
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Extremist Groups Carry Out Revenge, Sectarian Killings In HTS-Controlled Syria     (www.zerohedge.com)
submitted by dosvydanya_freedomz to WorldNews 8 hours ago (+15/-0)
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this comes as a surprise to nobody. thinking people knew that this was bound to happen at some point.
Russia Tests Cutting Off Access to Global Web, and VPNs Can't Get Around It     (www.pcmag.com)
submitted by Spaceman84 to news 8 hours ago (+14/-0)
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This U.S. Army Whistleblower does everything except directly name the Jew as the root of all problems. - We are close to 1492.     (theworldwatch.com)
submitted by KosherHiveKicker to whatever 5 hours ago (+8/-0)
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US Navy recruitment center in California is staffed by all Chinese, recruiting Chinese, and speaking Chinese.     (x.com)
submitted by allAheadFull to WWIII 4 hours ago (+6/-0)
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There was a video last week about a Chinaman in the US military saying if we went to war with China he would just quit and leave, can't find it right now. I imagine they're planning to do more than walk away.
Kikes singing the israeli natioinal anthem in front of Trump at Mar-a-Lago.     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by ProudRebel to kikes 1 hour ago (+3/-0)
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Traitor trump
"now if I could only find that dam chirping..."     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by ProudRebel to Niggers 13 hours ago (+27/-0)
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Nigger nails the chicken challenge