The commies in the government are creating a problem with drones so the public asks for intervention because of fear. Then they outlaw drones. I'd say its about a 75% probability that this is the winner. The formula of problem, reaction, solution is a favorite of theirs in herd management.
Cope & seethe. The final experiment proves once and for all that the Earth is round. Repeat these words so you can heal: "I was fooled by jews but now I know the truth. The Earth is round and space is real." friend of mine from NJ told me all about this, so I hooked up all the ingredients and it was off the hook! Mrs. Icemonkey loved it!
I remember a time where it was legal. And I was a young lad. I took a hit then I took another hit and I turned into the letter S. My friend turned into a dolphin. Some other stuff happened. Where can I get my hands on this stuff.
Fiat Earth was a jewish hoax from the beginning. Stop falling for shit like that. owen benjewin is a jew. Don't follow demons like that. They will lead you to your doom. Space is real.
NASA is nothing but liars. That is true. You're on the right track if you think that.