Were the people in the concert grounds at Route 91 on October 1 2017 what the military deems "collateral damage."? Or were they they "intended targets."? And why the other shooters at other businesses who didn't kill anyone but shot into the air? It would seem the Route 91 Harvest Festival was an intentional target but was it they intended to be the main target? What if this wasn't a assassination on MBS? What if it was in fact a heist?
What if every business on the strip got robbed on October 1 2017? Was there a reason helicopters shot up the strip? Or was the goal just to get a high body count? Who profits or gains from the planned worst mass shooting in US history for what ever purpose? There's got to be a reason helicopters with gun men armed with belt fed weapons commit the worst mass shooting in US history and why Stephen Paddock bought all those guns to Mandalay Bay. It would also seem like the whole strip was a target because of the shooters all over the strip remember a shell casing was found inside the Paris hotel in the bathroom and there were calls about active shooters all over the strip.
Was Stephen Paddock set up or did he screw over who ever the real shooters were and payed the ultimate price?
I bet many people here do realise that many accounts here look like alt accounts, because shitpost with the same linguistic patterns. So how many of you have alt accounts here?
Nevada has released its provisional BEAD winners, with grants going to AT&T, Cox, Amazon's Project Kuiper and more. >The largest sums, totaling $323 million, will go to local firms Sky Fiber Internet and Stimulus Technologies