He’s gonna have to kill it after this “kill Elon”” stuff. Tough one to right that ship in the morning. All I did was make a deal out of his threatening to quit, which drew enough attention to where just yesterday he PMd me to say he now has funds for the next two years. Why blow it all up now?
Sister-in-law (wife’s sister) drops in to our work unexpectedly with six of her fat friends. She’s an administrator in the public school system and the fatties were her staff/coworkers. Sister-in-law still looks ok, but these fucking pigs she dragged in with her, holy shit!
They were literally exactly the kind of libtard pussy hat wearing cunts you’d never want around your children. It was nightmarish at best. They were all properly introduced to me by sister-in-law and not a one of them could have given a fuck about meeting the boss. They were all enthralled by the things in the store, like some autist “squirrel”! type shit. Zero personality or social skills. All the while, my wife and our female staff are looking good, dressed well etc., these fat dumpy retards were in stretch pants and droopy sweaters and looked like the fat cunts you see showing their tits at BLM freedom rally’s.
There was one of the bunch, not fat, a little thick, but pretty and blonde. I ended up conversing with her for a few because she showed interest in what we do and the products we have. None of the others gave a fuck. But that’s what I do, go out and chat up the cute ones.
What I gleamed from it was that fat ugly bitches basically dislike me because I come out strong and smart. They don’t like men like that. Also, conservative women are almost always more attractive and drawn towards me because of strong and smart. Idk, it was just a funny thing to watch yesterday and I woke up this morning like “wtf”!