I had to have shoulder replacement surgery right at Christmas. My kids didn't come down for the holidays and I sat around not doing a dam thing but taking pain pills and doing therapy. Kinda fell into a funk. I'm struggling to get moving again. I only take vitamin supplements, don't drink or smoke. I have projects around here that are right where I put them down before my surgery and I just can't seem to get off my ass and do stuff. Idk??? How do you kick yourself in ass and do work? I'm retired and sometimes it kinda sucks like now. Any suggestions? Thank you my racist friends!
This has been a cool little unit. Almost zero effort to maintain. Wife has been collecting kale and lettuce all winter long, and even the cilantro finally started growing well. The only complaint is that it could be a bit bigger as the plants can get a wee bit crowded. Not a big deal. For the past 6 weeks I haven't even added any fertilizer, even though I have added water. Can't wait till the snow melts to get stuff growing outside again.
I was at church today and my pastor just had to go on about how Israeli is our greatest ally, his little kike and America pin, promises to Israel. If they’re talking like this get ready for some kind of kike induced ear to go save pissrael. Every last got must die for the yids. Makes me want to vomit.
I've recently had some lovely and optimistic things happen in my life after a long period of distress and after joining a prayer group at my church. Yet I still find it difficult believing such a seemingly simple act could "work." I understand it as a challenge of faith, and I have been trying a great deal believe, but feel I am failing.
Have you ever experienced an answered prayer, and how did it "feel"? Were you able to completely accept on faith that praying worked?
I'm driving by some local lake in a middle-class hilly neighborhood and I notice some construction going on. Crews and boats building what may be docks or a bridge are setting pilings in the water. A whole lot of pilings. There is heavy equipment unloading timber from flatbed 18-wheelers and folks coating the timber with creosote. I get around some of them but on my way up a hill there is a big tanker truck blocking the road and it's leaking creosote all over the road. I get out to go up and ask the driver to move and when I get halfway past the rig sprinkler heads come on and it starts spraying creosote all over creation. I can't go forward or backward or I'll get drenched in this shit. I'm still getting it all over me. It shuts off after a few minutes and a woman appears. She's got very dark lipstick on, short black hair with purple tips, and glasses. She's wearing a white labcoat and she's carrying a clipboard. She might have been hot if she weren't a total woke dykebitch. I go up to her and ask who's going to pay for the cleanup, and also who's going to buy me new clothes. She laughs at this and says nobody is. I said that yes, somebody is and she says she's gonna call the cops. I tell her to do so by all means.
Instead of cops showing up, 3 more women show up. They are also woke dykebitches and they are also kinda hot. They are ridiculing me for demanding justice for their environmental disaster and I start rubbing my creosote-covered clothes up against them, tarnishing their pristine white labcoats. They don't like that very much.