Iβm using a Piedmontese Chuck roast and a rub mix very similar to the recipe that I already had in my pantry from smoking a pork roast some time ago. Iβve found that most of these rub recipes have the same ingredients, just in different measurements.
Changed an injector on an old Dodge diesel 12 valve with my dad. Did some shooting, did some offroading, now chilling watching family guy drinking a beer and grilling steak, potatoes, and boudin jalapeΓ±o poppers.
It's February and I'm celebrating nigger history month by posting shit from all their worst qualities. "Some crack would really hit the spot right now..."
My understanding is the chemical-spraying phenomenon is an 'super secret!' airforce program, directly related to the climate change bullshit.
Someone high up told someone else high up in the government "in ten years time something fucking horrible is gonna happen! My proof: Trust me bro. Also look at all these scientific papers you obviously don't-and-wont ever understand. Proof by paper-stack size! Peer review maaaan!"
And the guy who decided this was like "oh my god! The world is doomed unless we act right now! It has to be super-mega-ultra classified though, maybe not even the president can know!"
"totally bro!"
they both nod, solemn and serious.
Then we get the shitty airforce spraying the sky with shitty chemicals.
MEANWHILE on an airfield somewhere, serious looking men consult with a problem pilot. "You don't need to know. Just understand this is for the safety of the whole nation. No. the whole world. Next question out of your mouth and you're out on insubordination charges."
pilot, thinking to himself: my mortgage, my career pilot, serious and solemn: "YES sir!"
And thats the five-thousand conversations that lead to this.
No thought what so ever, just beep-boop and do as I'm told.
MEANWHILE in dow chemical board room: "The useless shit we've been selling to the airforce to cropdust the whole public under ultrasecret joint project DUTCHOVEN has been a wild success. They've boosted our profits by 6 million percent!" (mid-air high-fives).
one board member: "whats in it?"
other board member: "waste chemicals from outback all our plants, and whatever our competitors didn't want and sold to us to dispose of. Also all the old tires in my grandfathers secondary properties in nawjawsey. Had them ground up and added to the mix. Saving $150 bucks a year on the disposal fees! Why dump it in the rivers and behind dams anymore?"