Public Transit/Integration     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by TheOriginal1Icemonkey to whatever 3 hours ago (+26/-0)
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Elon musk is not a Nazi...     (img-9gag-fun.9cache.com)
submitted by germ22 to funny 2 hours ago (+17/-0)
Homeless shelter execs take home salaries of up to $1 million     (www.wnd.com)
submitted by obvious to FightingBackAgainstTheNWO 4 hours ago (+26/-0)
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"Taxpayer-funded nonprofit homeless shelters in New York City "
A deep stink in nonprofits!
Garbage man takes out the trash. Kills one and wounds the other     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by ProudRebel to UpliftingNews 8 hours ago (+43/-1)
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CHICAGO (WLS) -- A garbage truck operator who is a Concealed Carry License holder shot two would-be robbers, one fatally, on the city's West Side early Friday morning, Chicago police said.

Police said the shootout happened around 5:15 a.m. just steps away from DRW College Prep charter high school in the Homan Square neighborhood.

Police closed a portion of South Homan avenue early in the morning as they investigated the shooting.

A 28-year-old man working as a garbage truck driver was outside in the 900-block of South Homan Avenue when two other men approached him, took out a gun and announced a robbery, police said.

Police said that's when an exchange of gunfire ensued between the suspects and the victim, who has a valid FOID card and CCL.

One of the suspects, 42, suffered a gunshot wound to the head and was pronounced dead on the scene. The other suspect, 20, suffered a gunshot wound to the neck and was taken to Mt. Sinai Hospital in critical condition.

The victim was uninjured but taken to St. Anthony Hospital in good condition for an evaluation.

No other injuries were reported.

Also, archive.is sucks
I count 7 lies in this     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by HeavyBrain to Black_History_Month 4 hours ago (+21/-0)
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(BTW is catbox blocking pics with certain words in the title?)
learn a trade. excel at your job     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by con77 to WhitePeopleThings 51 minutes ago (+10/-0)
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I Want This Knife     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by TheOriginal1Icemonkey to whatever 3 hours ago (+13/-0)
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This is in South Africa. Every cross represents a White farmer that was murdered by a nigger.      (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by ProudRebel to Niggers 7 hours ago (+25/-0)
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Just when I think my nigger fatigue is maxxed out.
Bully Canadians every day      (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by big_fat_dangus to USPolitics 6 hours ago (+22/-1)
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Directions      (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by TheOriginal1Icemonkey to Women 3 hours ago (+14/-2)
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5 people control 92 of the top 500 subreddits     (old.reddit.com)
submitted by MasterSuppressionTechnique to MeanwhileOnReddit 3 hours ago (+14/-2)
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submitted by Zyklonbeekeeper to HDLunited 7 hours ago (+19/-0)
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...the tariffs are a shot in the foot, but then again "ears" get it once in a while too.

From what I just learned re the reasons for the tariffs is that all Trump was requesting from fag trudeau and schlomo Mexico pres was a clamp down on the movement of migrant invaders and the fentanyl (that they're packing), apparently the trade imbalance was to be addressed and negotiated through time...if this is the case then he's 100% justified. And Western leaders are that arrogantly stupid that they are adamant in their defense of the social rot that came with CULTURAL MARXISM.

I have no belief in government at all, everything is controlled and rigged against the common man.
I just too bad that what Trump is doing is done so under the watchful eye of a "HIDDEN HAND"...but the ✡️ nose what's going on.
How The United States Agency of International Development, USAID (CIA) operates @MikeBenzCyber     (x.com)
submitted by bossman131 to random 7 hours ago (+18/-0)
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Gandalf stored his pipe in his walking stick     (media.scored.co)
submitted by AugustineOfHippo2 to news 8 hours ago (+22/-3)
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Fuck nazis, they didn't kill the jews.     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by albatrosv15 to memesharing 12 hours ago (+38/-0)
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Born to steal     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by canbot to funny 12 hours ago (+35/-0)
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I had no idea NYC rats were this big     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by dulcima to Wildlife 11 hours ago (+26/-0)
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It's the size of a cat! 😱
Every time I start to doubt the "15sec low impulse impulse control" shit like that comes along     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by HeavyBrain to Niggers 5 hours ago (+10/-0)
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No lookout, trying to grab a 1000 pound object propably bolted to the ground, realizing that your skill of kicking heads of victims on the pavment wont do anything to steal and concrete, run away without taking anything but now having to fear that the cops come after you for atleast 3 felonies.
nigger West and his Italian whore (but it's supposed to be 'art')     (pomf.lain.la)
submitted by boekanier to whatever 8 hours ago (+17/-2)
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The hyper-emotional female strikes again, folks. This time in Delaware.     (revolver.news)
submitted by MasterSuppressionTechnique to Women 2 hours ago (+6/-1)
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The hyper-emotional female strikes again, folks. This time in Delaware. But before we get to that, here’s some background.

Companies have historically incorporated in Delaware because its business laws have been corporate-friendly, and offered legal protections, tax advantages, and a court system that specializes in business disputes—Elon Musk and other big names were no exception.

But now, thanks to a lady judge on a seek and destroy mission, things have gone south—fast.

As you like know, Elon Musk has been in a full-blown showdown with Delaware’s legal system over his $56 billion Tesla pay package.

It all started back in 2018, Tesla’s board approved the deal, but a shareholder complained, saying the payout was unfair to investors.

READ MORE: Karma finally comes for Chuck Schumer…

Now, fast forward to 2024, and right on cue, a female Delaware activist judge by the name of Kathleen St. J. McCormick, agreed with the whiney shareholder, calling the payout “excessive” and tossing it out the window.

And that was the move that ignited a firestorm.

And just so you know – Democrat Governor John Carney nominated McCormick to the vice-chancellor position on the Delaware Court of Chancery back in 2018.

Musk, who isn’t about to just walk away from $56 billion, tried to get shareholders to reapprove the package, but the same lady activist judge shot that down too, saying it wouldn’t fix the original issue. At that point, Musk had enough. He fired back with a brutal economical nuke: Never incorporate your company in Delaware.

Now, the fallout is real.

Big corporations are eyeing the exit door and looking to move to states like Texas and Nevada where they won’t get tangled up in this kind of unjust lawfare.

Dropbox is planning their exit from Delaware. But you have to keep in mind, Dropbox is the “golden goose” for Delaware, and this lady judge just screwed the entire state with her hysterical lawfare.

But it’s not just Dropbox—now, word is that Meta is looking for the exit too.

What an absolute disaster for Delaware.


Thanks to this activist lady judge, Delaware’s Democrat governor is now scrambling to do damage control, but it’s likely way too late.

As a matter of fact, there’s already an entire movement called “Leave Delaware.”

The truth is, these activist judges are destroying everything they touch, and as of now, are in the process of destroying the largest income for the state of Delaware. Think of this: the income from corporate franchise taxes & fees is the biggest generator of revenue for Delaware.

Gone. All gone.

So, you can see why the Dem governor sounds downright desperate. He’s probably sweating bullets as we speak.

Leave Delaware:

BREAKING🇺🇸: The Delaware Governor has responded to companies leaving Delaware

“It’s really important we get it right for Elon Musk or whoever the litigants are in Delaware courts,”—”We’re cognizant that there may be some things that need to change. We’re going to work on them.”

– Matt Meyer, Delaware Governor

The truth is, Musk’s unjust lawfare battle just ripped the lid off a much bigger war over corporate power and government overreach. At a time when Americans are already side-eyeing the justice system—after watching Biden weaponize it against his political enemies—now, we’re seeing states jump on the bandwagon, too.

Thanks to this lady judge, we now see how you can very quickly drive businesses out and kill economic growth for your state.

READ MORE: Now Is the Time to Bring Censorship Giant Microsoft to Heel

If Delaware thinks it can strong-arm corporations with activist judges, and get away with it, they’re in for a rude awakening. Because once Americans start losing jobs over this, the backlash will be fast and furious, and it won’t just be Musk leading the charge.
Nigger hits on a White man's girlfriend right in front of him. Huge mistake.     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by TexasVet to Niggers 13 hours ago (+35/-0)
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the tangle in the brain of a leftist     (pomf.lain.la)
submitted by boekanier to funny 14 hours ago (+37/-1)
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All former USAID will now end up in Israel.     (whatever)
submitted by registereduser to whatever 6 hours ago (+10/-1)
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Good job, faggots.
Trump To Suspend Funding To South Africa Over Land Expropriation     (www.zerohedge.com)
submitted by dosvydanya_freedomz to WorldNews 3 hours ago (+5/-0)
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Life is for the living     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by UncleDoug to Stoicism 8 hours ago (+12/-0)
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