Its double taxation and taxation without representation. and I don't care what their jewish kangaroo courts ruled saying that it isn't. Its Usury. Its how a jew gets their magic money. Our taxes already paid for these roads. The tolls were supposed to have been taken down two years later but low & behold the kosher demons decided to keep it. They have doubled the fees over the last few years. Its a goddamn outrage. Pieces of shit. and I'm not getting on their little payment plan either. They can all get fucked. What're they gonna do? Come here and arrest me? lol
I just sent an email to the governors office calling them all traitors and usury jew trash. Fuckin scum
Why come I can't access in all of my browsers? I've been uploading catbox links to imgur to view them, but it doesn't work for videos over one minute in length.
I commend the human body to be able to take on abuse for as long as it does, but like all systems, it eventually breaks. My dad was diagnosed with lung cancer a year or so ago. For a long time he was absolutely fine. Incrementally there were problems here and there, but overall he looked pretty normal. For a second we thought he might be in remission from how well he was doing. He eventually got a surgery to get some of it removed. And to a point we thought it would be succesful.
And then all of a sudden the symptoms went from barely an issue, to what the fuck just happened. He's been decreasing his eating considerably since he's out of breath eating. But what make his chest weird is that it doesn't work right. When he breathes in his lung volume decreases, like the lungs are vacuum cleaning the sides of the ribs. And when he breaths out his chest expands out from the lower side. So his lungs are working in a weirdly opposite way of how they should. It's like gripping a balloon on one side and having all the volume displacement on only one side of the balloon.
The doctor said he would be fine for the most part, and his cancer was slow growing and not that severe. Maybe he's just trying to make him feel better, who knows. But the way his lungs are functioning makes me think he's not long for this world. Fuck you big pharma and fuck you full of shit doctors