The real irony is she wanted to move to a white neighborhood and cause that area to turn to shit. Only two years for this is a disgrace. The sob story by the reporter is also total shit. - the forks snapped seconds after this picture was taken and the impact of dangus falling a few feet left a giant crater in the road
There are differences between mine and thine Some think its just our amounts of melanin But so much more separates our bloodline So much we can't even share this world were in
When we point out all your violence and crime Instead of this causing a moment of reflection All you do is turn to your angry beats and rhyme Only to brag again about the size of your erection
And so you strut around claiming you are superior Forgetting how we found you still living in mud huts Even though we tried so hard not to make you feel inferior Seeing our castles and big ships must have drove you nuts
So here we are hundreds of years later We've raised you up to our level and you don't even care You live in our world and can only call us hater The only choice you're leaving us is guerrilla warfare
You should have been a better student of history We've survived wars, pestilence, famine and drought If you had paid attention it would be no mystery What utter horror happens when White people chimp out