If you have hardwood logs or stumps, it's easy to grow mushrooms on them. Many places sell wooden dowels inoculated with mushroom spores, which you insert in holes you've drilled in the wood.
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This retard seems to have found a decent dude (for a black) that seems to have been a good provider and father, and she scams her job for some other actual retard and catches a felony. There is a part if me that actually feels bad for the black dude. He should have never married a coal burner and got hisself a blaq qwayne instead.
For the crimes against humanity we need at the very least something like a truth and reconciliation panel. Make all the big players, Pharma, politicians , hospital administrators, etc. testify under oath in front of some sort of tribunal about their crimes.
I had to bite the bullet and take a flight to an out of town wedding this weekend. People are retarded. It was 9 degrees when I rolled up to grab a shuttle to the terminal. 5 people weren’t wearing jackets. One, being the polite young white woman she was, told me to go ahead of her as the shuttle pulled up. I said, “No, please,” letting her go ahead of me. “I take it you’re going somewhere warm?” She looked at me, puzzled. “No, not at all.” ALL brown people fly Spirit, and were headed to the nigger terminal. The gate I’m at only has two brown people, thank god (but definitely a couple kikes). I walked past a bookstore—what’s on display in front? A black history month section and, almost hilariously, ‘Survivors of the Holocaust,’ which looked like a kiddie book (it was illustrated). I had a chuckle. A confused, schizophrenic kike and his kid were scurrying around and stopped in front of me, looking for something hurriedly. I felt a little sassy, so I walked around them and said, “oy vey!” Clown world is alive and well, niggerfaggots \o.