It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers−out of unorthodoxy.
I really do wonder what happened to him. I remember him saying that he had a bunch of kiddos of varying ages so hopefully he has just been too busy with life, or maybe he just lurks in the shadows now? I also thought someone said he lived in East Tennessee or somewhere near Appalachia, and the beginning of his absence coincided with the storm and floods coming through? Life is short and people do die, I just hope it wasn't his time yet. He was so active on here and then poof, gone.
There are those that say all government aid is a scam in one way or another, and so far the revelations surrounding USAID are proving those people right daily. Democrats and the establishment media, in a bid to muddy the waters and save face, continue to claim that there was never any fraud at USAID and that the Trump Administration is simply labeling projects they "disagree with" as suspect.
Of course, spending American tax dollars on projects the public never asked for and were never told about is the epitome of fraud, and waste is never a good thing. Beyond that, the question of billions in missing funds certainly falls into the category of criminality.