No Sympathy for Fired Apparatchiks
(whatever)Sob stories about federal apparatchiks – workers is an inappropriate term in that it suggests something worth doing is being done – who’ve been fired by the new boss in town are all over the Internet, social media and the dinosaur media.
But should anyone who works for a living be sobbing – or cheering?
Consider the one inarguable difference between an apparatchik and a worker: The latter must earn his living, meaning he must persuade others that his work has value. He has no power to force anyone to pay him. This means the work he does must be considered worth doing by the people who pay him to do it. This is honest work – whatever form it takes – because no one is forced to pay for the work.
Now consider the apparatchik.
This is a person who takes his living, via force. Because people are forced to deal with such people – as for example at the DMV. What they have to offer almost no on wants but everyone is forced to pay for, regardless.
How about the legions of apparatchiks recently fired by the president? How many would collect a check were it not for the force?
The apparatchik pretends, of course, that he is like honest people and is just getting paid. He personally has not shoved a pistol under the chin of anyone. It does not mean that what he takes was not taken by the threat of exactly that by some other party. All it allows is for the apparatchik to evade the knowledge that he is both a thief and a parasite – as well as a coward. One lacking the honesty of a tick sucking the blood of a dog directly and unashamedly.
Attending their moral cowardice is an appalling sense of haughty entitlement. That they are owed a living by those forced to provide it.
Most people who work for a living understand that they must produce something others consider valuable, the defining attribute of which being that others are willing to give the worker money for producing or for doing.
The apparatchik’s mentality that they are somehow “owed” a paycheck whether the people forced to finance it want to pay for the “services” of the apparatchik is alien to people who work to earn an honest living. It is degrading, too – for it turn the relationship from one of free people choosing to contract with one another into masters and slaves. For what else is it when you can be forced to work for someone else’s benefit? Is that not exactly what it is when you are forced to pay for government “workers,” as they like to think of themselves?
And it is worse than these “workers” merely believing they are “owed” a living by those forced to pay it. The apparatchik invariably thinks highly of his “services,” irrespective of the value placed on them by those forced to pay for them. Consider the for-instance of the people who “work” in government schools as well as the government-schooling apparats at the federal and state/local level. They demand never-ending increases in the taxes people are forced to pay because they are not being paid enough.
More finely, they are not being paid enough to their liking. You’ll find out how much more they need when you get your next property tax bill.