TIL: Picking up trash in your neighbors yard is a tremendous psychological weapon.
(WhitePeopleThings)I'm not a fag or a bitch but I really don't like it when the air is filled with smoke all the time. I live in an area with just low enough IQ that's just dense enough that at almost all times someone is burning something in their back yard, meaning it smells like smoke outside continuously.
Now I actually did grow up in the country and I can tell you, I don't think these people have any fucking clue what fresh air is. They're basically color blind with respect to air quality.
I got into it with the neighbor across the alley for being a huge asshole about lighting fires.
You ever feel bad for how some animals just live in their own shit (
)? Well as I take my little walks down to the grocery store each day I've been noticing more and more trash on the ground. Trash everywhere! At any point along the walk I can locate some scrap, big or small, within 10 feet of me. And at the moment I'm unemployed so I can work on this little invention I'm hoping to sell ...so I have a little more flexibility with my time. So I decide, I'm not going to walk through this disgusting shit one day longer. I'll pick it up. And I have been and will continue to but today I only got to the end of the alley on my block (approx three hundred feet) and had two giant trash bags filled and a huge cardboard box. So it will take a while...
Anyhow, I didn't even realize this neighbor I had gotten into it with was outside as I was doing this. I unintentionally found a perfect way to fuck with them because they came out and pulled their trash can back inside their fence and starting banging on something after I picked up all the trash along their fence. But what are they gonna say, don't pick up the trash around my fence, lmao.
Trash everywhere on the ground.
Air filled with smoke constantly.
People are assholes.
The city water pipes are made of lead.
I have to get back to the country.