A future White ethnostate will need to be primarily focused on beauty, and maybe luxury and extravegance. It will need millionaire investors to create conditions many White people will want to live in.
Consider a section of the Northwest Imparitive gaining ten-thousand White Nationalisits to start. Then it would need to attract a large amount of visitors and pro-White immigrants. It could use the message that we are eventually going to secede from the union, secede from the federal government into a nice White ethnostate.
You would want this ten-thousand person White Nationalist colony to have a White Nationalist mainstream media operation that could attract many more Whites to the colony. Red Ice could be a part of setting up and operating the White Nationalist mainstream media.
The goal is to eventually get enough Whites that you stop paying taxes to the federal government and start paying to the White Nationalist Ethnostate.
This made me realize how a White Nationalist Hollywood could be so beneficial to ethnostate-creation. If a small group of people started performing and producing White Nationalist hollywood-style entertainment that was good, a White Ethnostate could spring up around it.
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Here's a related thread, see How to Create White Nationalist Hollywood: