While watching "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire" in bed, I turned to my wife and asked, "Want to have sex?" Without even glancing my way, she replied, "No." "Is that your final answer?" I asked. "Yes," she said firmly. "Alright," I said, "then I’d like to phone a friend." And that’s when the fight began.
We went out to a restaurant, and the waiter took my order first. "I'll have the rump steak, rare," I said. He raised an eyebrow and asked, "Aren’t you worried about the mad cow?" "Nah," I replied, "she can order for herself." And that’s when the fight began.
At her high school reunion, my wife couldn’t stop staring at a drunken man at a nearby table. "Do you know him?" I asked. "Yes," she sighed. "He’s my old boyfriend. I hear he started drinking right after we broke up and hasn’t been sober since." I said, "Wow! Who knew someone could celebrate that long?" And that’s when the fight began.
When the lawn mower broke, my wife kept hinting I should fix it, but I always had other priorities. One day, I came home to find her in the yard, cutting the grass with a tiny pair of sewing scissors. I watched for a moment, then silently went into the house. When I returned, I handed her a toothbrush and said, "When you’re done, you might as well sweep the driveway too." The doctors say I’ll recover, but I’ll always walk with a limp.
My wife sat next to me as I was flipping through channels. "What’s on TV?" she asked. "Dust," I replied. And that’s when the fight began.
One Saturday, I got up early to go fishing, but heavy rain and wind forced me to cancel. I quietly undressed and slipped back into bed, cuddling up to my wife. "Terrible weather out there," I whispered. Without turning around, she replied, "Can you believe my idiot husband went out fishing in this?" And that’s when the fight began.
For our anniversary, my wife hinted she wanted something shiny that could go from 0 to 150 in seconds. I bought her a bathroom scale. And that’s when the fight began.
When I went to apply for Social Security, I realized I’d forgotten my ID. The clerk asked me to unbutton my shirt, and when she saw my silver chest hair, she said, "That’s proof enough," and processed my application. Excitedly, I told my wife the story when I got home. She said, "You should’ve dropped your pants; they might’ve given you disability too." And that’s when the fight began.
One morning, my wife stood in front of the mirror, unhappy with her reflection. "I feel old, fat, and ugly," she said. "I need a compliment." I replied, "Your eyesight is perfect." And that’s when the fight began.
This morning, I rear-ended another car. The driver got out and turned out to be a dwarf. He glared at me and said, "I am NOT happy!" So I asked, "Well, which one ARE you then?" And that’s when the fight began.
One Christmas, I bought my mother-in-law a cemetery plot as a gift. The next year, I didn’t get her anything. When she asked why, I said, "Well, you haven’t used last year’s gift yet!" And that’s when the fight began.
All-Ukrainian Association of Companies for International Employment chief Vasily Voskoboinik appeared on state television in February to push for mass migration, saying, “According to estimates by the International Organization for Migration”—a United Nations agency that preaches about immigration being “inevitable, desirable, and necessary”—” and the International Labour Organization, we will need 8.2 million workers.”
“We have a demographic catastrophe. Either we encourage our women to have more children, which would take 18–20 years to reflect in the labor market, or we must realistically seek labor migration from other countries,” Voskoboinik. He seeks to source the migrants from non-Western states and regions such as Bangladesh, Nepal, India, North Africa, and Central Asia—despite various studies showing that non-Western migrants are a massive net drain on the public finances in other European countries.
a nigger pajeet @Conspirologist comes onto this board, populated with national socialists who are clearly racist, cries like a bitch and calls us kikes for pointing out the obvious.
why do they do this? i think its pretty clear who the feds are here. so many users here are living contradictions. users who fuck niggers will call you a kike for being anti racemixing. users who post porn and openly try to justify pedophelia call you a fed when you say how disgusting they are. niggers and feds have absolutely infested this place. its sad to see so many so called national socialists say nothing about this.
white power total nigger death total faggot death total race traitor death total kike death total pedophile death
Plenty of time to play 500 down 500 to go These are 147gr with reloader tricks makes these hit extremely hard. These are for a play day coming up,gonna bust up some shit with good friends. GET OUT AND RELOAD! https://ibb.co/5gsgTrJ4
Leana Wen, a former CNN medical analyst who famously stated that “the unvaccinated should not be allowed to leave >their homes,” is now admitting that Covid dissenters should have been allowed to ask questions.
Wen, in a recent video, addresses the fact that many people had questions, particularly about the Covid vaccine, but >were afraid to ask those questions because they might be told that their concerns were simply conspiracy theories.
Dr. Leana Wen Now Admits Some ‘Conspiracy Theories’ Were Actually True
“People were concerned about the impact of the vaccines on their menstrual periods. Well as it turns out, there have been studies that have shown that there may be some changes to the menstrual period in the… pic.twitter.com/U2JbXcR1SU
— Chief Nerd (@TheChiefNerd) March 15, 2025
it causes neurological issues and turbo cancers too ,bitch
Whites need a celebrity class that cares about White wellbeing. Right now celebrities only care about non-Whites.
Caring about the White race at least means opposing White Genocide.
The mainstream media could foster and harmonize a united White racial consciousness, which would prevent White Genocide. It could promote pro-White people as celebrities.
I've been container growing for the past 30 years or so, including when I had the bamboo nursery. Containers and growing technologies have been a major part of my life. Ignore if you have amazing soil in the ground for gardening.
Black queen just snagged a couple pawns while I pressed this attack. I'm not seeing any line so far that doesn't need an additional positioning move. That queen and white bishop are a pain in my ass at the moment. Thoughts?
Human intelligence appeared to peak in the early 2010s and has been in decline since...
The year they mention, 2010, is significant to me because I tried to describe what was starting to happen to a couple nationally recognized educators as I was leaving high school in 2008, just 2 years earlier. Add to this the fact that they started calling really intelligent young men "autistic" and medicating them into oblivion and we have a clear attack on intelligence, or, as I have been saying for years, we_kill_creativity.