the negro behind the counter didnt have 10, $5's. I began suggesting other combinations of bills that would work. I had only gone through a couple when he literally froze up.
I could see he was struggling to keep up so I slowly repeated the simplest alternitive. he then reset, counted out the bills I had suggested, and handed them to me. he sheepishly apologized! I, being gracious, said "YOURE GOOD MAN".
Yesterday, some retards at work were talking about the astronauts coming back to earf. One’s perspective was libtarded (“OMG, if the world’s richest man could’ve saved him MONTHS AGO, why didn’t he? But instead we’ll have no social security because he’s stealing it!”) 🤦🏻♀️ Another’s perspective was MIGA lite because he didn’t want to offend the libtard (“Well, they were up there a really long time compared to when they were supposed to originally return and it’s better that they’re back, regardless of how it happened.”) I couldn’t take the idiocy anymore, so I piped in: “Wait, how long were they originally supposed to be gone? 8 days? And they were gone for 9 months? I wonder to myself how they were able to eat and survive and go to the bathroom for all that extra time?”
I saw them both short circuit. They started thinking, looking up—my questions bothered their brains so much they couldn’t say anything for 8-10 seconds. Then the MIGA guy said, “Well, I haven’t thought about that. That’s a good question.” And the retarded liberal said, “I don’t even want to think about that.” Of course you don’t, retard.
The statue has become a symbol of exploitation of the US. Every kike out their claims that this statue means we should have unrestricted migration. I say deport the statue as a statement. Send that shit back to France and let them deal with all the immigrants.
She is known as the loneliest whale in the world, having been discovered in 1992 and monitored ever since. Scientists have noticed that she is unlike other whales: she has no family, does not belong to a pod and has never had a partner. She roams the ocean alone, calling for company, but no one answers. She was born different, with a unique voice. While other whales communicate at 12-25 Hz, she sings at a much higher frequency, 52 Hz, which prevents other whales from hearing her. Her call is ignored, and her attempts to communicate go unanswered... But she keeps trying.