On June 26, 2015, the United States Supreme Court made a historic decision in Obergefell v. Hodges, legalizing gay marriage nationwide. This landmark ruling marked the end of a decades-long battle, one that conservatives had fought tooth and nail to prevent. Despite losing ground on numerous other social issues, conservatives held steadfast in their opposition to gay marriage for generations. Why? The answer lies in their deeply held religious convictions, rooted in the Bible, which provided them with a sense of moral justification.
But when it came to stopping Whites from mixing races, and in preserving their White identity, White conservatives found themselves unable to summon a similar sense of moral righteousness. White Nationalism, once a prevalent ideology, has been banished to the shadows, branded as taboo and morally indefensible. Bereft of a compelling moral framework to sustain their resistance, Whites have proven vulnerable to the seductive pull of globalist ideologies and demographic trends that threaten their very existence.
This raises a critical question: how can Whites reclaim their sense of identity and resist the tide of multiracialism? The answer lies in fostering a renewed sense of moral justification. By spreading powerful quotes that awaken White consciousness and crafting compelling pro-White propaganda and arguments, we can rekindle the flame of pride and purpose in the hearts of our people. Only by embracing a morally grounded White Nationalism can we hope to halt the march of White Genocide and secure a future for our race.
It is time for Whites to rise, to cast off the chains of guilt and shame imposed by a society that seeks our dissolution. We must boldly assert our right to exist, to flourish, and to shape our own destiny. Through the power of words and ideas, we can forge a new moral bedrock, one that will inspire generations of Whites to come. The path is clear: awaken, unite, and fight for the survival of our people.
They keep things pretty well under wraps. Only 3 meetings with a few members listed snuck out. Zero meeting minutes tho. This system of behavior has been around since before Eisenhower. Eisenhower spoke of the "Military Industrial Complex", JKF spoke of "Secret Societies".