Long slow play. The local gas station I sop and buy my cigarettes each day has 2 semi-cute girls that work part time. There's actually a TON to this whole story. The owners are from Palestine, and their grandson Ramsey who works there is the one I first made friends with. Both into guns, hate the jews, all that. Friendly people doing nothing wrong, whole family here in Wisconsin, and making a good life. Total one off family station getting all the local fleet dump trucks and stuff so a really busy local place.
So over the past 5 years going here the staff has changed, and for the past 2 yeas there are 2 cute part time girls. One is really short, and the other tall and if you didn't know it flat as a board. Over time just hanging out with Ramsey I've OPENLY talked about the jews fucking over everyone, and all the basic red pill topics majorly. These girls have been witness to these conversations many times, and even occasionally asked questions.
The one I'm talking about is openly "queer" on her instagram, both recent graduated a cosmetology school, and hairdressers. The one I'm focusing on just turned 22, I think the short (and cuter one) I think is at least 1 or 2 years older. From now on we'll call them cutie and queer.
Queer rides a crotch rocket bike, and sometimes dressed in full biker gear. Not Harley gear, like moto PG gear. Underneath she wears like corsets, and fishnet hose. Her hair is dyed like a fuking rainbow and weird ALL the time. Cutie does her hair most of the time, and they share all this on instagram. I found that out by internet stalking. Once I found a real life name I started google-fu, and found them.
I'm a socially AWKWARD weirdo, and usually just nod, mumble, and move on. Queer kept engaging me at checkout, I only ever buy 2 packs of Montego Orange cigarettes and every few days a bag of ice to make my mixed drinks. Cutie, queer, Ramsey, grandpa, and other relative all recognize me on sight and just grab the smokes when I walk up to the counter. The daily routine in my life is insanely predictable. I'm literally there every day between 5-7 PM.
Over time I opened up socially a bit just because I thought cutie was cute. Sometimes they worked together on weekends and queer would ask me about my day, and other things. Every time they were in the background and I was talking to Ramsey there was NO filter or awkwardness just because I was dude talking to dude about guns or jews literally. They obviously both KNOW my political leanings, know I've openly spoken about Trump signs in my yard, and everything related to that.
Shit I just realized this timeline goes back to the Biden win election and before. It's been that long I've been fucking around with this shit. WTF man.
Anyway once I found them on social media I researched all I could, and on a drunken whim one night asked to be a friend of cutie on instagram. A day later she approved?!?! So then I did queer, same thing. Since then me and queer have had on an off chats in person. We had a "connection" on night when she asked about my hobbies. Yes she asked about what I do when not doing gun and political shit.
Here's where the shit get's weird. WTF is a tall skinny lezbo freak asking about my personal life so much, and being OVERLY friendly to me? Like really I know social situations, how to avoid them, how a cashier should act, all that. I worked and work in a "Service" industry so to say, and understand mundane chat. Queer girl got me to talk to her. One day I was in no rush and talked about the ship crash in NJ that took out the bridge. I mentioned there is a live stream camera, and a website to track the movements of all the ships.
We spent almost an hour talking about giant ships and all that while other customers came and went. I admitted my irrational fear of deep and murky water, and a bond was made. So all last year we occasionally talked about the live stream cameras available, and overall shipping on the great lakes. I know here schedule, so I stop in on her shift when I can, I also frequent cutie. I'll buy smokes even if I don't need them sometimes to sneak a peek.
So this goes on for the last 1.5 years slowly. I'm friends on instagram, see their social media life. Cutie almost NEVER posts, so I stay clear of reactions. Queer is always posting selfies and such. I started "liking" anything queer posted that was with cutie, or provocative. She posts all sorts of hair and other queer life BS and I just skip. I was trying to hint I like cutie, and like queer being slutty. Things got stale about 8-10 months ago. Based on the only info I have on them I think maybe queer was doing a bi type thing and stopped. Cutie stopped shaving her head and wearing wigs, and finally started growing her hair out. Cutie also stopped wearing the septum nose ring.
So over the past year especially the both KNOW I follow them on instagram. Every now and then I gave a "heart" like on a post. Usually only the 2 of them together, and once and a while queer on some honestly sexy pics. Silence mostly when stopping in, nothing more than casual conversation, or just a side smile/wink. They both know I'm a socially awkward fuck, and for a minute I thought queer was like mad at me or something, getting the side eye.
Last week I was in the store talking with Ramsey when there were like 5 customers in line. Did my thing, she's behind the counter and offers to take me to the other registrator. I was like "I'm OK" and ready to walk out. She came out from behind the counter to ask about the Great Lakes ships, and following them. I talked for a second, and said I'll see you soon about it. Next weekend shift she was on I was there. Talked briefly about some things and then went home and sent her an instagram message with a youtube link on some of the great lakes shipping status.
Nothing NO reaction to me sending her something. She literally like came running from behind the counter to talk to me as I was leaving. Yeah, I'm a social retard, and if a woman showed me her pussy and asked to rate it I'd likely spend a minute looking and say a number based on how smooth or disgusting the lips are.
I realized something that night, so the next time I saw her (this is TONIGHT) I asked, did you watch the link I sent you? About the ships? She said NO, and to busy with hair and all that. 2 hours later she "followed" me, and posted like a dozen pics of herself in sexy poses, along with cutie.
She KNOWS I follow, she KNOWS I'm an overweight old wildly conservative man that hates jews, she KNOWS I bought a new gun this weekend and asked if I tried it already, she KNOWS all that, and she FOLLOWED me back. I know thats some social media bullshit to you all, but it's like "I'm the guy that stands for XXX" and she's the confused girl that is openly and actively standing for "zzz" and she asked to see my stuff.
I'm sorry, that is such a WIN for me I am ecstatic. I'm going to try and red pill this girl SO bad. She was a world champion figure skater in high school in 2019. Our first bond was my family was from Sweden, her's too, same last family name. Yeah that's weird, but I"m gonna fuck this girl straight.