Former postal employee says: "The problem is the union .... You’d be amazed how much money they pay to the employees for grievances. And it’s usually for tiny things .... The guy that got caught stealing used ladies panties got his job back"
(whatever)[March 23, 2025 at 1:15 PM]
I used to be a letter carrier. The postal service in itself isn’t bad. It’s not needed as much as it once was with the creation of email, online sites to pay bills and other delivery services like fed ex & ups. The problem is the union. They bleed them dry and they tie their hands. Once upon a time the postal union was needed in a big way. The treatment of the employees was horrible.
But nowadays, they are constantly defending the same lazy ass employees day in and day out. The guy that got caught stealing used ladies panties got his job back because the union fought it. There’s been people that get caught throwing mail away, get fired and get their job back… with BACK PAY!
They have so many rules that the managers miss stuff daily just trying to get all the mail out and then the union files a grievance and the employee gets paid extra money. You’d be amazed how much money they pay to the employees for grievances. And it’s usually for tiny things. The Kenosha post office has a special rule that most post offices don’t have. If an employee isn’t off the clock by 5:00 they get an extra $20 daily( I believe that’s the correct amount. It could be $25). So employees, especially the crappy ones, drag their feet and punch out at like 5:03. Oops. Sorry, I tried. It’s seriously insane how much “extra” money they collect.
They could make all the routes so they’re mounted boxes which would save them a fortune, be safer for the employees, and be less physical but that would create less routes so the union fights that also. They do “route counts” and the union wants you to walk slowly and not to cut through any yards. They encourage you take as many bathroom breaks and water breaks as possible. The longer it takes you the more routes it will be, therefore , the more Union due paying employees they’ll have. On the flip side, management tries to push them to go fast as possible. But they have to be careful of their wording or the Union will file a grievance that you’re pushing employees to be “unsafe” and they’ll get extra money for it.
I’m not gonna lie, it’s an extremely hard & physically demanding job. Most people think you’re walking around put some letters in the box and enjoying the weather. That couldn’t be any farther from the truth. Because of that, the union claims they’re needed. To protect the employee because managers will abuse them. And some managers probably would. But that’s because they’ve created rules that makes it damn near impossible to get all the mail and packages out daily but adhere to their rules. You can’t give anyone extra work(if it’s a heavy day or people called in) unless they’re on the volunteer list. Once they get through that list they ask for a volunteer. If nobody volunteers they can force people to work extra. But they better make sure they force the right people, or if it’s supposed to go to the sub or not, but don’t give them to much cause they better be back by 5:00 or cha-ching. Managers can not run it like a normal business would. It’s impossible. It could be but the union will never allow it.