Instead of all subs just having the blue link color (browser controlled?) and all subverse names looking the same, I think it would be helpful if there was a way to identify all the subs that have owners/mods that delete or block users.
As a free speech site, many users expect comments and discussions to be essentially unmoderated, except for the legal reasons. Yet some mods love to delete comments and block users for no reason, which then builds hate for them (think kicked out 109 times) and the mods claim to be "the victims" when users turn on them.
A way to indicate that a sub is censored would allow users to focus energies on truly free speech areas, and not give attention to the niggerfaggot mods that censor a free speech forum.
I don't have the best answer to how to do this, but one way would be to add the word "censored" next to the sub name in some fashion. Like sub "censored", or sub (censored), or whatever. Color would be another way, but if the browsers designate link colors then that wouldn't be standardized for everyone.
Or perhaps just a post will all the censored subs listed to help people - although that would eventually get buried and new users wouldn't be able to see the list right away.
The JFK files described Oswald as a “poor shooter,” which contradicts the official narrative. In reality, the fatal shot was fired by James Files from behind the fence on the grassy knoll, while another assassin fired from Oswald’s supposed position.
And the Texas House creates Pakistan Day This is not about freedom of worship — it is about a foreign movement using that freedom to build parallel societies that reject American law, reject integration, and ultimately reject the legitimacy of the state itself.