I just wanted to share(as I mentioned this day was coming recently on a thread about something else), this is the final image of a cat that has been part of my family for 23 years, he was as old as my son.
He has been a fantastic cat but for the last 6 months or so my wife and I have been putting off the inevitable, he was still very alert, had all his own teeth but was deaf and going blind(as well as many other things starting to go wrong), we had a discussion about it last week and both agreed that we were only keeping him alive because he's our old boy, we felt this was unfair as he hasn't had much quality of life for the last couple of months and with this at the forefront of the decision we made the choice to let him be put to sleep whilst my wife cuddled him.
Broke my wife's heart in all honesty as I've always been the one to do such things(with all of our dogs) but she wanted to and as he was very much her cat I felt it was the right thing to do for her even though she sobbed her little heart out.
It was all very peaceful and quick but fuck, these days are so hard, beautiful in a strange way, but very hard on everyone involved.
Anyway, been an awesome cat, this was his 3rd and final visit to the vets in all those years, I wanted to bring him home and bury him but we opted for a cremation as if I had bought him homey retriever would have dug him up most likely.
Tabby you were an awesome little cat, rest well kitty!.