there exists near the town of napavine washington, right off of the main infection vector of Interstate 5, a billboard. this isnt just any billboard. it bears a poorly rendered image of uncle sam and a readerboard that has been triggering lefties for 30 years. it is now for sale. the commies are going to buy it and use it as a trophy. only 2 million bucks. exactly between portland and seattle.
I blame AI. It's empowering the low life dumb asses of society with the power and tools to scam people, who would have otherwise been too stupid to figure this stuff out. I was phishing in the 90s as a child before phishing was even called phishing. Luckily I only stole videogame items/money, but even that felt scummy so I never did it again. But it made me realize how easy it is to scam people, or more importantly I learned how to avoid getting scammed myself.
Always verify urls. There are so many .extensions these days, anyone can create a fake url of any business these days, and then put up a fake front end which looks and operates exactly like the real deal. Verify the website you are dealing with is the actual website you are intending to interact with.
Always verify email addresses. Scammers can easily create look-a-like emails of legitimate businesses by changing characters, like using an L instead of an i for example. But they can even spoof their email to make it appear as if it's coming from a legitimate source without any alternations in spelling. So an email which appears to come from a legitimate source should not be blindly trusted. You must inspect the header information of the email, which is usually hidden away in most apps, requiring you to click a button to view. Look at the return path, does it match the sender's domain? If not, be suspicious. Check SPF, DKIM, and DMARC in the headers. If any fails, it’s likely spoofed.
Do no trust random phone numbers. Don't recognize a phone number? Don't answer it. Even just answering gives a scammer knowledge that there is an real life person at the other end of this phone number, which they will try to gather info on to scam, or sell off to other scammers. It just causes more unwanted calls. When searching for a phone number on google, always verify it's the actual phone number you want to call. Every once in a while my mother will say "I got the number on google, they wanted $200.", only to discover she's talking to some fucking scammer. Which triggers another security talk from me. That's what inspired this post actually. And the countless other people I've read getting scammed recently.
Stop giving scum bags scammers your info. Stop giving scum bags scammers your money.
Respect your phone and computer. Be mindful of what you install on it, especially if you don't know what you are doing.
I could make so much money off you dumb asses if I wanted to. Fortunately I am white and my DNA does not allow me to live comfortably fucking over other people.
If you "work from home" using my tax money, Elon will fuck you. Elon is destroying the lazy class of paper-mill degree cucks sitting around doing nothing.
Thank the lord for Elon musk honestly. It will make no difference in my life, but at least it's a little revenge on these smug little cock suckers that have leeched off me for YEARS.
I play bingo at the nursing home my friend resides in once a week. Today the activities lady approached me to run a Men's group once a month. Of course I want to do that. I'm always looking for ways to be of service to my fellow Whites. I live in a small town in the south and the nursing home is lilly White. I wouldn't do it otherwise.
Every now and then something happens that tells you you might be doing something right. I'm flattered.
If you guys could give me suggestions, topics, just fun shit, maybe a joke night? Idk. I'm excited. If you like I'll keep you posted. There are some characters there.