Europe is cooked because the people don't have Free Speech or The Guns to do a fucking thing about their governments consistently porking their cornholes constantly. OUR Brothers should have what we have, so they can take care of all of it themselves. We don't need to do anything but supply the arms. Enough of their leaders stupid smug mouths already. Let's see how big you are when 10 million of your own citizens show up with guns to show you who really has power. Twats.
I know the feeling. I lost the NYPD on my motorcycle on the West Side HWY in Manhattan. I was splitting heavy traffic at 100 mph! They crashed behind me!
Rage against the machine indeed. The US is the skynet enabler. Fuck this country.
John Grisham has suggested men do not deserve prison for mere possession of kiddie porn. Hard to disagree. Some of you guys are just sadists that just enjoy torturing people as much as possible while virtue signaling about it. Reply Link... updootdowndoot [ - ] s23erdctfvyg 0 points ago (+0/-0)
John Grisham has suggested men do not deserve prison for mere possession of kiddie porn. Hard to disagree. Agreed, they deserve a bullet. Reply ParentLink... updootdowndoot [ - ] Joe_McCarthy 0 points ago (+0/-0)
Guy goes on the dark web, downloads underage Traci Lords fare, needs a bullet.
This is why Russia is winning. It's hard to lose when your opponent is full of lunatics.