A Jewish city councilor pretended to be attacked during a pro-Palestinian rally, he threw himself to the ground and started screaming like he was being hit... no one touched him. He has now been forced to resign.     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Sleazy to videos 1 hour ago (+8/-0)
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100 years ago     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by kammmmak to whatever 8 hours ago (+23/-0)
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Dana White     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Sleazy to ClownWorld 7 hours ago (+22/-0)
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Tibetan yak     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by dulcima to Wildlife 9 hours ago (+28/-1)
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Size of a cassowary claw     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by dulcima to Wildlife 7 hours ago (+21/-0)
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The Boomer Strikes Back     (x.com)
submitted by WolvenWargod to Guns 2 hours ago (+8/-0)
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Fuck this cuck     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Sleazy to whatever 7 hours ago (+16/-0)
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more about the female pilot     (pomf.lain.la)
submitted by boekanier to whatever 3 hours ago (+7/-0)
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submitted by Trumpman1488 to WhiteWomen 7 hours ago (+16/-1)
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Army identifies helicopter pilot Capt. Rebecca Lobach among 67 killed in DC plane collision.     (www.cnn.com)
submitted by iSnark to whatever 3 hours ago (+6/-0)
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Talked to a guy at the range today.     (whatever)
submitted by con77 to whatever 9 hours ago (+18/-1)
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He told me that he was an Army recruiter. I said that things should start getting better now that Secretary Hegseth was in charge.

He smiled ironically and said that DEI was so pervasive throughout the military from the top to the bottom that he doubted that they could ever get rid of it entirely.

He told me that BLM had almost destroyed the military. He said that blacks screamed racism at the drop of a hat and that everyone was afraid to end up on CNN!

He said that more qualified personnel were passed over for promotion in order to promote blacks.

He painted aa very grim picture. BTW this wasnt a white guy telling me this!
@big_fat_dangus the entire site knows you use alts and your gay boyfriends to brigade people you don't like     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by the_old_ones to TellUpgoat 2 hours ago (+8/-3)
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get a fucking life, dude. as proof, i would challenge people to keep an eye on just how many downvotes this post mysteriously accumulates in one giant batch all of a sudden.

system already had to restore bushchuck after you targeted him, so just stop it already. honestly, wtf are you doing?
My toddler son has a little speech impediment...     (whatever)
submitted by Nosferatjew to whatever 7 hours ago (+10/-0)
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I told him to say "spaghetti", and he said "faghetti".

I lol'd. The wife did not lol.
Cultural protips     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by big_fat_dangus to whatever 2 hours ago (+5/-1)
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The trump-ear bullet thing always bothered me but I thought it had to be real because no one could make that precise a shot. Then I remember DARPA invented a self-steering bullet     (youtube.com)
submitted by Crackinjokes to USPolitics 3 hours ago (+5/-0)
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It crossed my mind that the Jews wanted Trump to be president and what a great way to do it by staging on assassination. But it just seemed to implausible because that bullet shot to just hit his ear but not kill him would have been too hard. But then I remember the DARPA had invented a high precision self steering bullet. Suddenly the fact that the supposed shooter was killed and his evidence wiped away in his body cremated and the fact that he only used metal sites rather than a scope made sense.

No I'm not saying it did happen but I just remember when Trump was being persecuted I thought boy this sure is helping him beat people like DeSantis and the true test of whether these prosecutions are real will be if he gets off or not and of course he really has gotten off. If he had actually gone to jail it would have shown that the prosecutions weren't just part of the play.

And then there was the assassination attempt which again as I said.

All I know is Trump is really helping Israel. I hope it's not true but there is that DARPA bullet.
True story from last night     (ClownWorld)
submitted by con77 to ClownWorld 8 hours ago (+12/-0)
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I was at Publix about 9:30, I hate the crowds, and there were 3 teens at the end of an aisle roughhousing and joking. 2 boys and a girl. White kids.

One of the boys had dyed blonde hair with black roots an inch long. What made me laugh though was the wiggers entire ass was hanging out of his saggy pants. His junk too to be honest. His jeans were riding below ball height on his thighs.

I looked at him and laughed! He saw me laugh and I could tell he was contemplating saying something to me. I was contemplating telling the bitch to pull his pants up! I didnt feel like having three teenagers shrieking at me in the supermarket.

I strolled by and they must have said something to each other because the girl called out " excuse me sir we'd like to interview you for a school project!" No miss. You would not. Trust me.
Wonder why the sheboon nigger doesn't move to Africa, Mexico or India????? Why do they always have to move to a white nation???? Because these animals THINK its a right to live among us. FUCKING PARASITE DEMONS     (old.reddit.com)
submitted by HonkyMcNiggerSpic to MeanwhileOnReddit 8 hours ago (+11/-0)
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Canada imposes counter-tariffs on USA     (m.youtube.com)
submitted by Reunto to whatever 4 hours ago (+5/-0)
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Well... Hard times to come. Not a great time for Canadians trying to make ends meet.
This is the Train Station In My Neighborhood     (nypost.com)
submitted by TheBigGuyFromQueens to TheBigGuyFromQueens 2 hours ago (+3/-0)
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I hate when these despondent drunks and drug-addled faggots gum up the works. KILL YOURSELF ON YOUR OWN TIME, YOU USELESS COCKSUCKERS.
Sea dick runs away from a homo Starfish     (www.youtube.com)
submitted by HonkyMcNiggerSpic to strange 8 hours ago (+10/-0)
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"Wrong Gas Station"     (www.youtube.com)
submitted by TheBigGuyFromQueens to Niggers 2 hours ago (+3/-0)
SBC's & SBC's     (chat-to.dev)
submitted by byte to programming 2 hours ago (+3/-0)
New bill will make it a crime to download DeepSeek in the U.S., punishable with up to 20 years in prison.     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Niggly_Puff to technology 5 hours ago (+5/-0)
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I lost my DeepSeek in a boating accident a couple months ago

Land the free huh? More like 3rd world shithole.
little things have been getting me down lately     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by paul_neri to TellUpgoat 6 hours ago (+7/-1)
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1.Trying to remove a large manufacturer's sticker (Anko?) from my new plastic drawer for my home office in the cellar. I got the paper off but the glue film is still there. I must have spent at least 10 mins f..king around with it. Need to use turps or something. But, you know, no-one should need to waste their life on such an inane task!

2. Got locked out of the missus's new laptop because it didn't recognise the PIN. Why the f..k computers must have a PIN these days is beyond me!

3. Bought a desk lamp at Kmart and the package didn't say, or didn't say in big writing, the bulb didn't come with it = another trip to town!

4. Difficulty adding two new laptops to my TrendMicro account that lets you have up to 5 extra devices protected. Worked out in the end.

5. Some beeping safety device goes on in the car when I cross a double line or something and I can't turn the f..ker off. Need to read the manual of a million pages. Groan.

The end.
can't make this up:The Jew who pretended to be German and was behind sea monkeys and the perverted x-ray glasses that could see through clothes was arming the KKK     (youtube.com)
submitted by Crackinjokes to Jews 4 hours ago (+4/-0)